
Dual US / Israeli Citizens Running American Government « The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed

Today’s conflicts are centered in the Middle East. America needs to balance foreign policies towards oil producing Arab nations with our goal being peace and stability in the region. This places a burden on our government to be even-handed in our dealings with the Arab world and Israel. While the Iraq War was waged on lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction and revenge for 911, the real reason has emerged as a well designed global plan to improve the power and leverage of Israel.Added to this policy is yet another potential blow to American interests and security — the impending War with Iran. This war will be waged for the security of Israel and will be paid for by the blood of American soldiers and the hard-earned money of American citizens whose quality of life is inversely tied to the cost of petroleum.

List of traitors and war criminals:

Attorney General - Michael Mukasey
Head of Homeland Security - Michael Chertoff
Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Richard Perle
Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) - Paul Wolfowitz
Under Secretary of Defense - Douglas Feith
National Security Council Advisor - Elliott Abrams
Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) - “Scooter” Libby
White House Deputy Chief of Staff - Joshua Bolten

Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs - Marc Grossman
Director of Policy Planning at the State Department - Richard Haass
U.S. Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) - Robert Zoellick
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - James Schlesinger
UN Representative (Former) - John Bolton
Under Secretary for Arms Control - David Wurmser
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Eliot Cohen
Senior Advisor to the President - Steve Goldsmith
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of State - Lincoln Bloomfield
Deputy Assistant to the President - Jay Lefkowitz
White House Political Director - Ken Melman
National Security Study Group - Edward Luttwak
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Kenneth Adelman
Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) - Lawrence (Larry) Franklin
National Security Council Advisor - Robert Satloff
President Export-Import Bank U.S. - Mel Sembler
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families - Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs - Mark Weinberger
White House Speechwriter - David Frum
White House Spokesman (Former) - Ari Fleischer
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Henry Kissinger
Deputy Secretary of Commerce - Samuel Bodman
Under Secretary of State for Management - Bonnie Cohen

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How US Capitalism Will End US Military Adventurism

Most Americans know instinctively, beyond the fog of flag-waving and hollow hymn singing, deep in their souls, that the invasion and occupation of Iraq is a crime of monstrous proportions, one committed in their name, with their permission, by those they elected and those they armed and equipped, a crime they could end at any time but do not. Any student of history also recognizes this aggression to be just the latest in a series of heinous crimes committed on innocents around the globe by the modern world's most egregious and dangerous country, a country once blessed, now drunk on power, cursed with addictions to venality, gangsterism, careless obese consumption and usury the likes of which has never been witnessed before. With so much original promise squandered America has allowed itself to become a vampire culture, consuming all it touches including its own natural wealth, its principals and institutions, its legacy, and in a final maddened act of social cannibalism devouring the future of its young and itself.
How US Capitalism Will End US Military Adventurism
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xymphora: Greenwashing American Zionism

A 'perfect storm' is on the horizon for American Jews. It is almost a commonplace, even in the disgusting mainstream media, that one of the main root causes of the American Recession/Depression (it will be a recession for the rich and a depression for the poor and middle classes) is the disruption to the debt markets caused by the necessity of financing the disastrous attack on Iraq using entirely borrowed money. When the other shoe - the fact that the attack served no legitimate American interest, and was entirely a War For The Jews - drops, things might get a bit touchy for a while.
xymphora: Greenwashing American Zionism
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Ritter says White House preparing for war in Iran: Rutland Herald Online

The main target of Ritter's criticisms was an American public that couldn't pass a test on the Constitution and understands little of international history and politics, and refuses to believe the life of an Iraqi is worth as much as the life of an American.
Ritter says White House preparing for war in Iran: Rutland Herald Online
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Paul Craig Roberts: A Third American War in the Making?

The US Congress, the US media, the American people, and the United Nations, are looking the other way as Cheney prepares his attack on Iran.If only America had an independent media and an opposition party. If there were a shred of integrity left in American political life, perhaps a third act of naked aggression--a third war crime under the Nuremberg standard--by the Bush Regime could be prevented.On March 30, the Russian News & Information Agency, Novosti, cited "a high-ranking security source: "The latest military intelligence data point to heightened US military preparations for both an air and ground operation against Iran."
Paul Craig Roberts: A Third American War in the Making?
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U.S. Military Ponders Hiring or Hacking Bloggers | Center for Media and Democracy

"Information strategists can consider clandestinely recruiting or hiring prominent bloggers or other persons of prominence ... to pass the U.S. message."
U.S. Military Ponders Hiring or Hacking Bloggers | Center for Media and Democracy
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