
Brad and Angelina's 'air' sold on eBay

Here I am starving and shit, when I could be selling AIR!

"A jar said to contain the air of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has been sold for £293 on eBay."

Torture Fatigue

"Torture pops up everywhere these days, even on the latest T-Mobile commercial, which features a young, black man tied down to a chair, screaming in an interrogation-style room as he's tortured by having his phone bill run up. At the end of the commercial, a smiling Catherine Zeta-Jones delivers her pitch as he stumbles around the store, still bound to the chair."

Torturing Black men still funny T-moble?

The ad says "You knew you'd rule the world some day".

So I guess those in power feel torture is a cool policy since there is no one able to bring them to justice. You know, since they now rule the world? I don't mean T-mobile either.

Two of my must see movies!

Batman Begins was probably the best movie I have ever seen in my 20 years of watching movies, seriously.

After seeing Batman Begins, I almost don't want to see Fantastic Four.

And the really good superhero movies, like "Superman," "SpiderMan 2" and "Batman Begins," leave "Fantastic Four" so far behind that the movie should almost be ashamed to show itself in the same theaters. Ebert's 7/8/05 review.

Damn! Guess I won't be seeing FF4 in theatres.

Were Abu Ghraib abuses learned from Zionists?

An Abu Ghraib Photo We Didn't See on the Front Page of the NYTs

Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, former commander of Abu Ghraib says she knows that at least one Israeli was involved with Iraqi interrogations there. Other than ticking off a lot of anti-Semetic Muslims I don't see the big deal. The Israeli government says there are no Israeli personel in Iraq, but that doesn't mean Israeli civilians were part of the contractors hired by the U.S. And even if Israelis were involved in interrogations there's so much bad blood between Israel and Muslims that it could hardly get any worse.

Or could it get worse? (Warning! graphic, rape and torture photos)

CBC Video (RealPlayer requided)

Illuminati Devil Hand Signals were Prevalent Throughout the 2005 Inauguration

"...For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." -Romans 16:18

"The Goat of Mendez is the god of the witches. (Mendez is another spelling of Mendes, a city of ancient Egypt where fertility worship - Baal worship -- was practiced). Masons admit readily that Baphomet is a pagan fertility god and, more importantly, that Freemasonry is a fertility cult religion. At any rate, this mockery of Jesus is a satanic symbol and figures prominently in Satan worship."-Kerr Cuhulain

The goat is associated strongly with witchcraft and Freemasonry, while the owl is more strongly associated with the occult (e.g., Bohemian grove). There is definitely an inseparable common denominator between the two groups: Satanism.

Was'nt Bush reading a story about goats to children when the towers were hit on September 11th?

"Write letterz 'n shit yo!"

"Write letterz 'n shit yo!"

As foul as this shit is, it made me laugh.

Aunti Rice

April 20 Washington Post column by Dan Froomkin. Here's the column quoted in part under the headline "Married to Her Job?": "Deborah Schoenman in New York Magazine's Intelligencer column describes a tale making the rounds about national security adviser Condoleezza Rice: ' At a recent dinner party hosted by New York Times D.C. bureau chief Philip Taubman and his wife, Times reporter Felicity Barringer, and attended by Arthur Sulzberger Jr., Maureen Dowd, Steven Weisman, and Elisabeth Bumiller, Rice was reportedly overheard saying, 'As I was telling my husb --' and then stopping herself abruptly, before saying, 'As I was telling President Bush.' Jaws dropped, but a guest says the slip by the unmarried politician, who spends weekend with the president and his wife, seemed more psychologically telling than incriminating.' "

This was my Ubuntu linux desktop in June

This was my Ubuntu linux desktop in June. Before the disk I had Ubuntu on failed for some inexplicable reason. ( Don't take that as a knock on Ubuntu or Linux, I don't know what it was , yet) In this screenshot I had turned on full transparencies for the desktop, using xcompgr, and transset, for xorg. Other applications I have running are, xchat, an IRC client, gaim, a multi-protocol instant messenger, and Mozilla's Firefox web browser of course. Gnome comes with plenty of applets, that you can add to your panels, like the weather applet, where you can see the map of the "Sunshine State", where it rains every day, I might add.

I could link all those applications I just named, but then you would not use my new Google search buttons now would you? (Hint, wink )

I miss my Ubuntu. (sniffle)

This was my February desktop screenshot

This was my February desktop screenshot of Ubuntu linux. From the site: "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". Ubuntu also means "I am what I am because of who we all are". The Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world. "Linux for Human Beings". Because of the definition of Ubuntu, and the companies mission, and the fact that Linux is a much more secure open source FREE alternative to Windows, you know I had to try it!

In the screenshot above, the window manager that is running is called Gnome. From the site: GNOME is a Unix and Linux desktop suite and development platform. The transparency weather module is running in a program call gdesklet. The panel on the right is called gkrellm. Both of these programs have many different plugins to all ow for a vast array of display configurations to suite your tastes. As of this post I have since stopped using Ubuntu because of a technical hardrive issue, which I could go into detail about, but I won't bore you. For those that are interested leave a comment. The next post will be a post of what my last desktop looked like before the hard drive failure, which by the way, is working fine at the moment, weird.

Black boys jamming!

Black boys jamming!


A Black night of televison

Its been a lot of fun learning about blogging, and setting up my own blog. The experience has been a lot easier than I had expected. Therefore, I will be doing much more typing, writing, blogging.

I avoided the "president's" pep rally, and watched part of the B.E.T "music awards". I don't know which programming was worse? That's why I avoid television altogether, its bankrupt. Stevie Wonder performed a song I never heard before, talking about "Shame, on us , shame on you , shame, so what the funk/fuck?", something to that effect. I don't know if his song was a political statement, or if it was in reference to the group before which he performed? In either case, it was very appropriate, and a very nice song. So, tuning in to the "awards" was not a total waste of time.



My own little blog.

The purpose of this blog is to hone my writing skills, and to connect with like minds. Sans that, its a sound board for me to "get my rant on".