
Tim Wise » Resurrecting Apartheid: White Police and Politicians are Waging War on Black America

Tim Wise » Resurrecting Apartheid: White Police and Politicians are Waging War on Black America: "Honestly, when a white man in a place like New Orleans can literally point his weapon directly at not one, not two, but three members of the New Orleans Police Department, and when told to drop his weapon, answer back, “No, you drop your fucking gun,” and remain a breathing, carbon-based life form — as was the case this past April for Derrick Daniel Thomas — then you know you’re dealing with a two-tiered law enforcement regime hardly different from the ones that existed under Jim Crow. Google the NOPD and check out their history if you harbor any doubts about how such an act as Thomas’s would have gone down had he been black."

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Tim Wise » Repetitive Motion Disorder: Black Reality and White Denial in America

Tim Wise » Repetitive Motion Disorder: Black Reality and White Denial in America: " Black people have to learn everything about white people just to stay alive. They especially and quite obviously have to know what scares us, what triggers the reptilian part of our brains and convinces us that they intend to do us harm. Meanwhile, we need know nothing whatsoever about them. We don’t have to know their history, their experiences, their hopes and dreams, or their fears. And we can go right on being oblivious to all that without consequence. It won’t be on the test, so to speak."

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America: Lost With No Moral Compass | Philip A. Farruggio

America: Lost With No Moral Compass | Philip A. Farruggio: "We have the primitive mindset of chants of "USA USA" as we conducted our Shock and Awe campaign on Iraq... and now parts of Syria and Iraq again. Our Drones shoot missiles that, like our WMDs in 2003, do terrible collateral damage, destroying children in and out of the womb.

Where are the Pro Life anti abortion folks to protest the taking of those lives?  Yet, our Christian Warriors love the fact that we are "Fighting them there so they don't come here" (Of course the 2003 group called Al-Qaeda at that time had maybe a few hundred in their ranks). After 10+ years of our jackboots on their necks, many inhabitants of that region joined up with this fanatical Isis, who by the way our nation actually gave arms and support to when we needed them to overturn Assad of Syria. Whew!!"

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