
Mike Whitney: Apartheid Justice in America

Mike Whitney: Apartheid Justice in America: "The ongoing imprisonment of Jose Padilla shows that that shield has been removed and replaced with an apartheid-system that operates capriciously and without set standards. The president now has full-authority to rescind the constitution at will and declare any man an enemy combatant at his own discretion. There can be no justice when the fate of men like Padilla depends on the subjective judgment of one man alone."

Paul Craig Roberts: America is Running Out of Time

Paul Craig Roberts: America is Running Out of Time: "The Iraqi war has three beneficiaries: (1) al Qaeda, (2) Iran and (3) US war industries and Bush-Cheney cronies who receive no-bid contracts.

Everyone else is a loser.

The war has bestowed on al Qaeda recruits, prestige, and a training ground.

The war has allied Iran with Iraq's Shi'ite majority.

The war has brought soaring profits to the military industries and the firms with reconstruction contracts at the expense of 20,000 US military casualties and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilian casualties.

The Republican Party is a loser, because its hidebound support for the war is isolating the party from public opinion.

The Democratic Party is a loser, because its cowardly acquiescence in a war that is opposed by the majority of its members is making the party irrelevant."

Man who died in custody had multiple Taser injuries

statesman.com | Man who died in custody had multiple Taser injuries: "Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The man who died Monday after a scuffle with Austin police officers was identified Tuesday as 33-year-old Michael Clark.

Clark, who was black, was a married father of a 3-year-old boy. He was the second person this year to die after Austin officers used force.

Since 1998, all but one of the 14 people who died while or after Austin police officers used force on them were minorities."


FOX Carolina The Ten O'Clock News Charges Against Teen Upgraded After Dog He Allegedly Raped Dies

FOX Carolina The Ten O'Clock News Charges Against Teen Upgraded After Dog He Allegedly Raped Dies: "SPARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA (FOX Carolina News) - A Campobello teen is accused of raping one neighbor's dog and another neighbor's two little girls. Now the dog has died and charges against the teen have been upgraded.

After receiving word that the dog died possibly because of the rape. Fox Carolina called the Solicitor's office to see if now new charges would be filed against the teen. An hour later Solicitor Trey Gowdy called to say that the charges will be upgraded to the 'most serious animal cruelty charges they have on the books.'"

2.He RAPED a FEMALE PIT BULL, not just any dog. He is crazy just for pulling his wanker out around a pit bull.
3.The charges were not upped because of the 3 small girls he raped, but only after the DOG died? WTF?


Chavez Backpedals From Recent Remarks - Yahoo! News

Chavez Backpedals From Recent Remarks - Yahoo! News: "He acknowledged that he has occasionally 'gone too far with words' when responding to U.S. officials who criticize his government, and he said his criticism of the Bush administration has sometimes been misunderstood as attacks against the American public.

'I love the people of the United States,' he said.

In reference to the U.S.-led war in
Iraq, Chavez said it was justifiable for people in an invaded country to defend themselves.

'The true war we ask for is the war against poverty and misery,' he said to rousing applause.

Two days earlier, Chavez harshly criticized
President Bush in front of a
United Nations summit for waging war in Iraq without U.N. consent.

Chavez also criticized U.N. reforms Saturday, saying they would permit powerful countries to invade developing ones whose leaders are considered a threat.

In a speech earlier Saturday that was broadcast on state-run television in Venezuela, Chavez said the document adopted at a U.N. summit Friday was developed without consensus and was 'invalid and illegal.'

He singled out a section of the document creating a Peacebuilding Commission that outlines a 'responsibility to protect.' He called it suspicious, saying 'tomorrow or sometime in the future, someone in Washington will say that the Venezuelan people need to be protected from the tyrant Chavez, who is a threat.'"

Chavez: U.S. Plans to Invade Venezuela - Yahoo! News

Chavez: U.S. Plans to Invade Venezuela - Yahoo! News: "He added: 'We are coming up with the counter-Balboa plan. That is to say if the government of the United States attempts to commit the foolhardy enterprise of attacking us, it would be embarked on a 100-year war. We are prepared.'"


Powell admits his Iraq WMD claim is 'painful blot', but still kisses ass in shame.

Telegraph | News | Powell admits his Iraq WMD claim is 'painful blot': "Asked whether he had put loyalty to the president above his own judgment, Mr Powell said he had not: 'Loyalty is a trait that I value and yes, I am loyal. And there are some who say, 'Well, you shouldn't have supported it. You should have resigned'. But I'm glad that Saddam is gone. I'm glad that that regime is gone.'"

What a piece of shit degenerate. He still can't bring himself to grow a pair. Blaming underlings, when he is a god damn "General". "Who would have knew what the war would be like?". You asshole, millions od demonstrators around the whole tried to tell your dumb uncle tom ass that you were a tool, and were being used to open the gates of hell, you fucking bitch.

I apologize to all female dogs who may be offended.

Physician who told Cheney to go F*ck Himself Lost his Home in Katrina, Detained, Cuffed by Cheney's M-16-carrying Goons

OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion: "As he stood about 10 feet away from Cheney and his friend and some camera operators from CNN and other media filmed the scene, Marble suddenly yelled, 'Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney! Go fuck yourself, you asshole!'

Hey, at least Marble was polite. After all, he referred to Cheney as “Mr. Cheney.”

'I had no intention of harming anyone but merely wanted to echo Mr. Cheney's infamous words back at him,' Marble wrote. 'At that moment, I noticed the Secret Service guys with a panic-stricken look on their faces, like they were about to tackle me, so I calmly walked away back to my former house.'

His friend videotaped a little bit longer and then came back to Marble’s house. As they were salvaging a few things from Marble's home, two military police waving M-16's showed up and said they were looking
for someone who fit Marble's description who had cursed at Cheney.

'I told them I was probably the person they were looking for, and so they put me in handcuffs and 'detained' me for about 20 minutes or so,' Marble wrote. 'My right thumb went numb because the cuffs were on so tight, but they were fairly courteous and eventually released me after getting all my contact info. They said I had NOT broken any laws so I was free to go.'

So let’s get this straight: A physician with a newborn baby loses most everything he owns in the hurricane, does what most of us WANT to do and “echoes” Cheney’s words he spoke on the Senate floor last year, walks away harmlessly, mission accomplished, and then once the media cameras leave, he is treated like a foreign terrorist as Cheney’s goons waving M-16s handcuff him in front of his destroyed home? Had it not been for the media cameras filming the initial scene, I doubt Cheney’s goons would have just let Marble go after 20 minutes.

America, land of the free?"

The Raw Story | Republicans block efforts to amend relief bill, hold vote without providing copy of bill

The Raw Story | Republicans block efforts to amend relief bill, hold vote without providing copy of bill: "'It is this very lack of accountability in government which ensured that our disaster response would be a bigger disaster than the hurricane itself. Yet here they go again, completely unfazed in their determination to eliminate debate, consideration and accountability from the Congress and the Federal government. No one has even seen a copy of the bill.'"

$51.8 billion for Haliburton, that is why no one was allowed to see the damn bill, duh!

AlterNet: It's Accountability Time

AlterNet: It's Accountability Time: "Each and every one of us must ask ourselves whether are we happy with the people we have currently empowered to represent us. If the answer is no, then we must make sure that in the coming year we do everything in our power to identify those who have failed us, Republican and Democrat alike, and replace them with those who represent the will of the people, and not the will of special interests. If we fail to act, and America is once again struck by a calamity, whether it be an act of God here at home, or an act of illegitimate aggression abroad, we will have only ourselves to blame."

Guardian Unlimited | Cartoons | 09.09.05: The casualties of Hurricane Katrina

Guardian Unlimited | Cartoons | 09.09.05: The casualties of Hurricane Katrina

Is This a civilized society?

Is This a civilized society?: "Ravaged by Katrina, their corpses are left to feed rats and starving dogs.

Thousands of U.S. troops and government employees in New Orleans and each one is avoiding their responsibility to remove people and treat them with the respect they deserve."

Constitution, Freedom, WHERE?

: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal appeals court ruled on Friday that U.S. President George W. Bush has the power to detain Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen who has been held for more than three years as a suspected enemy combatant without any charges being brought against him.

'The exceedingly important question before us is whether the president of the United States possesses the authority to detain militarily a citizen of this country who is closely associated with al Qaeda,' appeals court Judge J. Michael Luttig wrote for the three-judge panel.

'We conclude that the president does possess such authority,' said Luttig, a conservative who has been under consideration by the Bush administration for a possible Supreme Court nomination."

Emphasis on the obvious added.

Bush lifts wage rules for Katrina, brings back slavery.

Bush lifts wage rules for Katrina: "09/09/05 -- WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush issued an executive order Thursday allowing federal contractors rebuilding in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to pay below the prevailing wage.

In a notice to Congress, Bush said the hurricane had caused 'a national emergency' that permits him to take such action under the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act in ravaged areas of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi.

The Davis-Bacon law requires federal contractors to pay workers at least the prevailing wages in the area where the work is conducted. It applies to federally funded construction projects such as highways and bridges.

Bush's executive order suspends the requirements of the Davis-Bacon law for designated areas hit by the storm. "

U.S. Military Tube-Feeds 13 Gitmo Strikers - Yahoo! News

U.S. Military Tube-Feeds 13 Gitmo Strikers - Yahoo! News: "British lawyer Clive Stafford-Smith, who represents one of the hunger strikers — Briton Omar Deghayes, 36 — warned Friday that some of the inmates were willing to starve themselves to death.

'People are desperate. They have been there three years. They were promised that the Geneva Conventions would be respected and various changes would happen and, unfortunately, the (U.S.) government reneged on that,' Stafford-Smith said."



Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor - Yahoo! News

Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor - Yahoo! News: "Barbara Bush's son put his arm around the addled FEMA functionary and declared, 'Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job.'

Like mother, like son.

Even when a hurricane hits, the apple does not fall far from the tree."


Refugees from New Orleans behind barbed wire in Utah

Unknown News: "Utah's Governor Jon Huntsman has taken in some of the New Orleans refugees, at Camp Williams. Replete with barbed wire, armed soldiers with weapons at ready, police and sheriff with weapons at ready, and hell, they must surely feel right at home. In America yet. What bullshit! "

Police Stun 12-Year-Old Girl For Arguing, Then Laugh at Her

Police Stun 12-Year-Old Girl For Arguing, Then Laugh at Her: "Cynthia Harris says Rakesha argued with another student, refused to go to detention, talked back to administrators, and then after 30 minutes of arguing with police got stunned.

'They did it out in the public in the school where other kids came around. She (Rakesha) said they were laughing,' said Harris.

According to the 12-year-old's account, once threatened with being stunned she begged the officers to take her to ISS but was told it was too late."


The U.S. fucking government keep the people, poor, mostly black, trapped inside the Superdome! They deliberatly let people die! And of all the places to show and tell the TRUTH of the matter, FAUX "news"!



Any questions?

Bush book: Chapter -3- Eugenics

Bush book: Chapter -3-: "Meanwhile, the International Planned Parenthood Federation was founded in London, in the offices of the British Eugenics Society.

The undead enemy from World War II, renamed `` Population Control, '' had now been revived.

George Bush was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 1972, when with prodding from Bush and his friends, the U.S. Agency for International Development first made an official contract with the old Sterilization League of America. The League had changed its name twice again, and was now called the `` Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception. '' The U.S. government began paying the old fascist group to sterilize non-whites in foreign countries.

The Gray family experiment had succeeded.

In 1988, the U.S. Agency for International Development signed its latest contract with the old Sterilization League (a.k.a. Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception), committing the U.S. government to spend $80 million over five years.

Having gotten away with sterilizing several hundred North Carolina school children, `` not usually less than eight to ten years old, '' the identical group is now authorized by President Bush to do it to 58 countries in Asia, Africa and Ibero-America. The group modestly claims it has directly sterilized `` only '' two million people, with 87 percent of the bill paid by U.S. taxpayers.

Meanwhile, Dr. Clarence Gamble, Boyden Gray's favorite soap manufacturer, formed his own `` Pathfinder Fund '' as a split-off from the Sterilization League. Gamble's Pathfinder Fund, with additional millions from USAID, concentrates on penetration of local social groups in the non-white countries, to break down psychological resistance to the surgical sterilization teams."

Oh, its absurd to think that the Bush crime family are nazis....really?

BELLACIAO - Pattern Emerges in Katrina Lack of Response Stories - Mainstream Media Compilation - Collective Bellaciao

BELLACIAO - Pattern Emerges in Katrina Lack of Response Stories - Mainstream Media Compilation - Collective Bellaciao: "Reading the news after the Katrina Hurricane
and the lack-of-response disaster,
a pattern began to emerge.



No one ever anticipated the criminal negligence of the Bush administration in the situation


This man called Bush has a lot to

answer for.. I don't know if he's taking care of the US


If they'd been white people, the government would have used every means in trying to help these people"

Government Intervention in Stock Market is Detailed by New Report, GATA Says


In such a system, individuals and firms have the right to own and use wealth to earn income and to sell and purchase labor for wages with little or no government control. The function of regulating the economy is then achieved mainly through the operation of market forces where prices and profit dictate where and how resources are used and allocated. The U.S. is a capitalistic system.

Government Intervention in Stock Market is Detailed by New Report, GATA Says: "U.S. government has intervened to support the stock market so many times that 'what apparently started as a stopgap measure may have morphed into a serious moral hazard situation, with market manipulation an endemic feature of the U.S. stock market.'"

So, basically, this is NOT a democracy, NOT a republic, and NOT a capitalistic system.

A pyramid scheme is initiated by an individual or a company that starts recruiting investors with an offer of guaranteed high returns. As the scheme begins the earliest investors do receive a high rate of return, paid for by the new recruits' funds - not a return on any real investment. The pyramid's liabilities, from the day the scam is initiated, exceed its assets because it cannot generate wealth any other way than promising extraordinary returns to new recruits and paying these returns by getting additional investors. Invariably these schemes lose steam and the pyramid collapses.

Thus the ongoing running national debt. This is an illegal operation, so there is no law and order. This is a criminal regime. Conspiracy Theory? Look up the word conspiracy some time.

Here's How You Can Make an Immediate Difference in Louisiana ...a message from Michael Moore

Welcome to MichaelMoore.com!: "Cindy Sheehan, the brave woman who dared to challenge Mr. Bush at his summer home, has now sent her Camp Casey from in front of Bush's ranch to the outskirts of New Orleans. The Veterans for Peace have taken all the equipment and staff of volunteers and set up camp in Covington, Louisiana, on the shores of Lake Pontchartrain. They are accepting materials and personally distributing them to those in need and have been going into New Orleans on a daily basis."

How We Survived the Flood

CounterPunch: "America's Best Political Newsletter": "I found some police officers. I told them that a lot of us women had been raped down there by guys, not from the neighborhood where we were, they were helping us to save people. But other men, and they came and they started raping women and they started killing, and I don't know who these people were. I'm not gonna tell you I know, because I don't."

Many people of color, including myself, could not believe that black men, would abuse a catastrophic event to rape their own sisters. But here we have a respectable, black female heroine, telling the story, and I believe her.

Here, she tells of the story of the "snipers" the lying, and thoroughly discredited U.S. "news" media claimed were firing on rescue helicopters and workers.

And I want people to realize that we did not stay in the city so we could steal and loot and commit crimes. A lot of those young men lost their minds because the helicopters would fly over us and they wouldn't stop. We would make SOS on the flashlights, we'd do everything, and it really did come to a point, where these young men were so frustrated that they did start shooting. They weren't trying to hit the helicopters, they figured maybe they weren't seeing. Maybe if they hear this gunfire they will stop then. But that didn't help us. Nothing like that helped us.

Amerikkka, land of the sleep, home of the slave.

And to the savages who raped helpless women and children, you deserve this country, you are right at home.

Lesson learned, barbarity knows no color line.


The Clinton-Bush Hurricane Fund Public Relations Scam

Another Day in the Empire: "Criminal minds such as Clinton and Bush are not interested in the death of the impoverished in New Orleans, initially considered of so little worth they were not evacuated in advance of the storm. The Fund is a PR stunt pure and simple. "

Mike Whitney: 80,000 Rodney Kings in New Orleans

Mike Whitney: 80,000 Rodney Kings in New Orleans: "Racism in America doesn't dress up in a cowl and flowing white robes anymore. Instead, it dons an immaculate blue suit and tie and conceals itself behind the lofty language of democracy, freedom and human dignity; but, it's racism all the same.

We've seen an explosion of racism in America since George Bush took office. It started out after 9-11 and was aimed exclusively at Muslims; a vulnerable group with a paltry voice in government. The administration took full advantage of their political weakness by tossing whomever they chose in prison without due process and without concern for their personal health or safety. Many, of course, were brutalized and traumatized by a system that still boldly touted human rights from the presidential podium.

It was all lies.

The cruelty and inhumanity has steadily escalated over the last five years; the predictable outcome whenever sadism and arrogance replace the rule of law. The chronicle of abusive treatment at American facilities across the globe is vast and extensive, and stories abound of the imaginative and finely-detailed methods of maximizing human suffering. Although they may have failed at everything else, the Bush administration has proved to be an astute practitioner of torture."

Fidel Castro: What Cuba Has Offered the People of the Gulf Coast

Fidel Castro: What Cuba Has Offered the People of the Gulf Coast: "We are hopeful, seeing that today another change took place, as the Secretary of State herself said that they would accept any help. This means that they'd even accept help from the Martians if it was offered; but they haven't. A little island on this planet, that's only a few minutes away from that place has offered to help, and it has a moral right to discuss the possibility of sending doctors over, it is something that is now acknowledged by the world.

What we want is not to criticize, not to put the U.S. government in an awkward situation. We are aware that the authorities are going through a difficult time, the target of harsh criticism. We aren't the type of politician ­we'll call ourselves politicians, in case the word revolutionary scares anyone­ who opportunistically takes advantage of certain situations to deal a blow to an adversary. I want to make that clear, because this is the real spirit of cooperation.

Once again I shall say that this is not the first time. We have absolutely no interest in confronting the United States or their government in any way, shape or form, I've already said it, I say: 'Let's call a ceasefire'. And we are not asking for anything, and we'll foot the bill for all the medication and the transport and everything."

Fidel Castro, more of a friend to black people in the US than their own god damned government. Let the record note!

Too Stupid To Be President

Too Stupid To Be President: "Top 11 most egregious instances of looting.

11. Gas stations charging four dollars a gallon in anticipation of higher oil prices.

10. Enron, Tyco, Worldcom, Adelphia, Arthur Andersen, Global Crossing, etc.

9. Pharmaceutical interests' authorship of the Medicare prescription drug 'benefit.'

8. The invasion of Iraq.

7. Taking 365 vacation days for every four years in office.

6. The energy bill.

5. No-bid, cost-plus contracts for Halliburton.

4. Record quarterly profits for the petroleum industry while we wage two wars.

3. Five percent of the world's population consuming 25% of the world's finite resources.

2. The 2000 and 2004 elections.

1. Trickle-down effect: reallocating funds for New Orleans levee repair to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy."

Mike Whitney: Death of a Partisan Chief Justice

Mike Whitney: Death of a Partisan Chief Justice: "Let's not wring out the tears for William Rehnquist. The man was the worst chief justice to ever serve on the Supreme Court; a complete failure who disgraced his office and the people he was supposed to serve. Never in the 200 year history of the nation has the high court sustained more damage under the stewardship of one man.

Rehnquist's partisan handiwork rigged the 2000 election and set the country in a downward spiral to ruin. He cobbled together the coalition of rogue-jurists who stripped the Florida Supreme Court of their constitutionally-guaranteed right to decide the outcome of state elections and overturned the fundamental principle of democratic government; the right to have one's vote counted."

I like to take this time to send a few "Fuck yous" out to a few people.

FUCK YOU Chief Devil Rehnquist, may you rot in hell.
FUCK YOU Crusty Nazi Bitch, wife and mother racist matriarch of the Bush Crime Family Barbara Bush.
FUCK YOU Poppy Bush
FUCK YOU Chief Assclown in "charge" Dubya Bush, you murderous piece of shit.
FUCK YOU Uncle Colon Powell, the name is apt, you asskissing hankerchief head lying house nigga!
FUCK YOU Auntie Condislezzy Rice, you fucking disgrace to the human race. Keep wiping Bushes ass.
FUCK YOU BIG Dick Cheney, when is your shitty heart finally going to give out, so this world can be cleansed of another fucking Nazi?
FUCK YOU Micheal Brown
FUCK YOU Micheal (Of the the devil) Chertoff, torturer.
FUCK YOU Alberto Gonzalez, hispanic uncle tom, chief torturer.
FUCK YOU Crazy drunken old Donald Rumsfeld. War Criminal extraordinaire.
FUCK the Republicans!
AND FUCK the Democrats, for capitulating to the Nazis.
FUCK all of you nazi war criminal son of a bushes, may you get what you truely deserve.


This ongoing HOLOCOST perpetrated on the black people of these divided, racist, cowardly, ignorant, states of amerikkka! It is quite obvious now, that ALL people of color are on this administrations shit list, to be tortured, humiliated, and fucked over wholesale. Lower the flag half mast for a fucking racist, anti-constitutional "judge", but not for possible 10,000 AMERICANS!?! We are only Americans when needed to kill other poor people, but when it comes to counting our votes, or getting desperate medical care, we are dispensible. Black folk, WAKE THE FUCK UP! You are being called REFUGEES to your god damn faces in your OWN FUCKING COUNTRY! I have had enough, I'm leaving this fucking shit hole. This country deserves every fucking wild fire, earthquake , hurricane it receives.

Oh yeah, I forgot one person, the terrorist Pat Robertson, FUCK YOU, you god damed DEVIL!

Larry Bradshaw and Lorrie Beth Slonsky: Trapped in New Orleans

Larry Bradshaw and Lorrie Beth Slonsky: Trapped in New Orleans: "We decided we had to save ourselves. So we pooled our money and came up with $25,000 to have ten buses come and take us out of the city. Those who didn't have the requisite $45 each were subsidized by those who did have extra money.

We waited for 48 hours for the buses, spending the last 12 hours standing outside, sharing the limited water, food and clothes we had. We created a priority boarding area for the sick, elderly and newborn babies. We waited late into the night for the 'imminent' arrival of the buses. The buses never arrived. We later learned that the minute they arrived at the city limits, they were commandeered by the military."

This story only gets worse!

Please continue to read this story over at Counterpunch.

If this does not make you want to leave this fascist country nothing will.

Chuck D.: Hell No We Ain't Alright

Chuck D.: Hell No We Ain't Alright: "I see here we be the new faces of refugees

Who ain't even overseas but here on our knees

Forget the plasma TV-ain't no electricity

New worlds upside down-and out of order

Shelter? Food? Wasssup, wheres the water?

No answers from disaster/ them masses hurtin'

So who the f**k we call?--Halliburton?

Son of a Bush, how you gonna trust that cat?

To fix s**t when help is stuck in Iraq?

Making war plans takin' more stands

In Afghanistan 2000 soldiers dyin' in the sand

But that's over there, right?

Now what's over here is a noise so loud

That some can't hear but on TV I can see

Bunches of people lookin' just like me

Chuck D. is in the rap group Public Enemy."

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor: Our Birmingham

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor: Our Birmingham: "Like Birmingham 42 years ago, today's pictures of impoverished Black Americans wading through chest high sludge; being corralled into the Super Dome or the New Orleans Convention Center like cattle; portrayed in the American media as looters, armed thugs, murders and rapists; sitting atop their asphalt roofs in 100 degree swamp heat waiting to be rescued or waiting to die are all sharp reminders that for all of the rhetoric and crap the U.S. spews about democracy, freedom and opportunity, 140 years after the Civil War ended and 40 years after the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed racism and class inequality remain the pillars upon which this twisted country is built upon."

But What About the Snipers?

CounterPunch: "America's Best Political Newsletter": "Just one thing, to me anyway, comes to mind: the snipers could deny Bush and his minions their face-saving operation, their little bit of success, their triage. The federal authorities would do anything to save some people. They would even get off their asses and send in troops, massive military convoys, not fast, because it was too late for that, but finally. And with those convoys would come - this too was clear, wasn't it? - massive aid, massive rescues, a massive effort to save, not a few victims, not the cosmetic cases, but everyone. Or at least, from the standpoint of an ignored victim, blocking the helicopter evacuations was the only thing that might bring this result. If there was anything any lone thug up to his knees in filthy water could do, this would be it. Let the helicopter evacuations proceed, useful to a very few, and what could reasonably be expected? That real massive help would take much longer to come, because there would be less outrage, less desperation, from the comfortable people deciding who should live or die."

Magic City Morning Star: Katrina Disaster? Just Blame Bush

Magic City Morning Star: Katrina Disaster? Just Blame Bush: "I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of those levees?

The breach of the levees protecting New Orleans has been a serious issue for years, and was prominently discussed not only during last year’s spate of hurricanes, but most recently throughout Katrina’s approach.

The vulnerabilities of the levees protecting New Orleans - and Mr. Bush’s apparent lack of knowledge concerning them - will now follow the pattern of Iraq’s WMDs, or the Saddam-Osama connection. If the mainstream media even bothers to challenge Mr. Bush on his assertions, we’ll no doubt hear that he was misinformed by some underling. (Who will admit to their failure and end up with a promotion - or the Medal of Freedom.)"


Daily Kos: US won't let Canada help Katrina victims

Daily Kos: US won't let Canada help Katrina victims: "On tonight's news, CTV (Canadian TV) said that support was offered from Canada. Planes are ready to load with food and medical supplies and a system called 'DART' which can provide fresh water and medical supplies is standing by. Department of Homeland Security as well as other U.S. agencies were contacted by the Canadian government requesting permission to provide help. Despite this contact, Canada has not been allowed to fly supplies and personnel to the areas hit by Katrina. So, everything here is grounded. Prime Minister Paul Martin is reportedly trying to speak to President Bush tonight or tomorrow to ask him why the U.S. federal government will not allow aid from Canada into Louisiana and Mississippi. That said, the Canadian Red Cross is reportedly allowed into the area."

Troops begin combat operations in New Orleans

Army Times - News - More News: "“This place is going to look like Little Somalia,” Brig. Gen. Gary Jones, commander of the Louisiana National Guard’s Joint Task Force told Army Times Friday as hundreds of armed troops under his charge prepared to launch a massive citywide security mission from a staging area outside the Louisiana Superdome. “We’re going to go out and take this city back. This will be a combat operation to get this city under control.”"

NY Times reprinted without contradiction Bush's ... [Media Matters]

NY Times reprinted without contradiction Bush's ... [Media Matters]: "In a September 2 article headlined 'Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure,' The New York Times printed without challenge President Bush's false claim, originally made on ABC's Good Morning America, that 'I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees' surrounding New Orleans as a result of Hurricane Katrina. In fact, dozens of news organizations had reported on the possibility of a breach well in advance of the hurricane, and even the Times' lead editorial in the same day's newspaper flatly stated that '[d]isaster planners were well aware that New Orleans could be flooded by the combined effects of a hurricane and broken levees.'"

BBC NEWS | Americas | Viewpoint: New Orleans crisis shames US

BBC NEWS | Americas | Viewpoint: New Orleans crisis shames US: "The only difference between the chaos of New Orleans and a Third World disaster operation, he said, was that a foreign dictator would have responded better.

It has been a profoundly shocking experience for many across this vast country who, for the large part, believe the home-spun myth about the invulnerability of the American Dream."

What's Next, Mr. War President? - by Paul Craig Roberts

What's Next, Mr. War President? - by Paul Craig Roberts: "Bush's single-minded focus on the 'war against terrorism' has compounded a natural disaster and turned it into the greatest calamity in American history. The U.S. has lost its largest and most strategic port and thousands of lives, and 80 percent of one of America's most historic cities is under water.

If terrorists had achieved this result, it would rank as the greatest terrorist success in history."


Eschaton: "Sir, they were told like me. Every single day. The cavalry is coming. On the federal level. The cavalry is coming. The cavalry is coming. The cavalry is coming. I have just begun to hear the hooves of the cavalry. The cavalry is still not here yet, but I have begun to hear the hooves and were almost a week out.

Three quick examples. We had Wal-mart deliver three trucks of water. Trailer trucks of water. Fema turned them back, said we didn't need them. This was a week go. We had 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel on a coast guard vessel docked in my parish. The coast guard said come get the fuel right way. When we got there with our trucks, they got a word, FEMA says don't give you the fuel. Yesterday, yesterday, fema comes in and cuts all our emergency communications lines. They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, Harry Lee, goes back in. he reconnects the line. He posts armed guards said no one is getting near these lines."

The Military Is Frisking Little Children Before Rescuing Them

The Military Is Frisking Little Children Before Rescuing Them: "A reader has reported that on watching ABC World News This Weekend and they showed footage of a black family being rescued from some highway above the waters and put on a military helicopter.

But before the family was allowed inside, everyone was frisked -- including a little boy that was maybe ten years old!"

Chicago teen went into cardiac arrest due to Taser, doctors claim

Chicago teen went into cardiac arrest due to Taser, doctors claim: "CHICAGO - A letter published yesterday in The New England Journal of Medicine has claimed that a 14-yer-old boy went into ventricular fibrillation after a Taser Gun shocked him. This is the first medically documented report linking the use of the stun gun to fatal fibrillation.

Two doctors at the Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago penned this letter. The doctors wrote that an adolescent who was subdued by the Taser collapsed soon afterwards, 'Paramedics found the adolescent to be in ventricular fibrillation and began performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation within two minutes after the collapse. After four shocks and the administration of epinephrine, atropine, and lidocaine, a perfusing rhythm was restored. The adolescent made a nearly complete recovery and was discharged from the hospital several days later,' the doctors wrote in the letter. Paul J. Kim, M.D., and Wayne H. Franklin, M.D also sent the electrocardiogram tracings of the victim along with their letter, showing the condition of the heart before and after defibrillation."

The Australian: Five dead 'were army workers' [September 05, 2005]

The Australian: Five dead 'were army workers' [September 05, 2005]: "September 05, 2005

At least five people shot dead by police as they walked across a New Orleans bridge yesterday were contractors working for the US Defence department, according to a report by The Associated Press.

A spokesman for the Army Corps of Engineers said the victims were contractors on their way to repair a canal, the new agency said, quoting a defence Department spokesman."

CNN, and MSNBC said that the people shot were black thugs shooting at the contractors, WHOOPS!


World pledges hurricane aid to US | Breaking news | Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au (03-09-2005)

World pledges hurricane aid to US | Breaking news | Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au (03-09-2005): "'New Orleans looks like Mogadishu when the war started,' said bus driver Aden Mohamud in Somalia's war-shattered capital.

He said he was troubled by television images that showed most of the some 300,000 desperate people still trapped in New Orleans were black.

'Maybe some whites are also starving but the African Americans are who I have seen,' Mohamud said. 'I am sorry they are poor like us.'"


MICHAEL JACKSON - They Don't Care About Us

MICHAEL JACKSON - They Don't Care About Us:
"Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no

Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, speculation
Everybody litigation
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me

All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us

New Orleans: Drowning Government in the Bathtub

Another Day in the Empire: "Isn't interesting China can move 600,000 people out of the way of Typhoon Talim and yet the United States was unable to move around 100,000 people out of New Orleans in the days before Katrina hit. Is it possible a communist dictatorship -- well, actually a globalist socialist dictatorship -- is more effective at protecting its people than the 'democratic' government of the United States? It runs against all the brainwashing the U.S. 'education' system attempted to pump into my brain since I entered kindergarten in the late 50s."




Taking refuge in the Astrodome - NEWSCHANNEL 5: "HOUSTON -- Thousands of refugees of Hurricane Katrina were transported to the Astrodome in Houston this week. In an extreme act of looting, one group actually stole a bus to escape ravaged areas in Louisiana.

About 100 people packed into the stolen bus. They were the first to enter the Houston Astrodome, but they weren't exactly welcomed."

You racists son of a bitches are going to lock this boy up for "LOOTING" a fucking schoool bus to SAVE people?

He a god damned hero you fucking bastards!!

This country aint shit.

World stunned as U.S. struggles with Katrina

World stunned as U.S. struggles with Katrina: "'A modern metropolis sinking in water and into anarchy -- it is a really cruel spectacle for a champion of security like Bush,' France's left-leaning Liberation newspaper said.

'(Al Qaeda leader Osama) bin Laden, nice and dry in his hideaway, must be killing himself laughing.'

A female employee at a multinational firm in South Korea said it may have been no accident the U.S. was hit.

'Maybe it was punishment for what it did to Iraq, which has a man-made disaster, not a natural disaster,' said the woman, who did not want to be named as she has an American manager.

'A lot of the people I work with think this way. We spoke about it just the other day,' she said.

Commentators noted the victims of the hurricane were overwhelmingly African Americans, too poor to flee the region as the hurricane loomed unlike some of their white neighbours.

New Orleans ranks fifth in the United States in terms of African American population and 67 percent of the city's residents are black.

'In one of the poorest states in the country, where black people earn half as much as white people, this has taken on a racial dimension,' said a report in Britain's Guardian daily."

CounterPunch Wire: Faith-Based FEMA?

CounterPunch Wire: Faith-Based FEMA?: "Surely, before FEMA refers citizens to Operation Blessing, it should expect that a board 'conforming to the highest standards of integrity' would have long ago expelled Pat Robertson.

Rev. Robertson has deeply shamed the country by his notorious suggestion that the United States ought to assassinate Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. This unforgivable remark is just the latest in a long string of embarrassing and outlandish pronouncements, such as his 2003 suggestion that 'maybe we need a very small nuke thrown' at State Department offices.

While the secular American Red Cross is deservedly first on the list of FEMA-endorsed charities, followed by the secular America's Second Harvest, there appear to be only two other groups of the list of 21 charities which are secular."

Norman Solomon: Ending the Impunity of the Bush White House

Norman Solomon: Ending the Impunity of the Bush White House: "There is something egregiously obscene about the people in charge of the U.S. government telling citizens to donate money for a hurricane relief effort while the administration, from the president on down, has viciously abdicated its most basic responsibilities.

For the activities it views as really important, like the war on Iraq, the Bush White House hardly requires private contributions while siphoning off vast quantities of taxpayer funds. But when the task is to save lives instead of destroying them, kids are supposed to bust open their piggy banks."

Bush Strafes New Orleans - Where is our Huey Long?

Bush Strafes New Orleans - Where is our Huey Long?: "Huey Long was called a 'demagogue' and a 'dictator.' Of course. Because it was Huey Long who established the concept that a government of the people must protect the people, school, house, and feed them and give every man or woman a job who needs one.

Government, he said, 'We The People,' not plutocrats nor Halliburtons, must build bridges and levies to keep the waters from rising over our heads. All we had to do was share the nation's wealth we created as a nation. But that meant facing down what he called the 'concentrations of monopoly power' to finance the needs of the public.

In other words, Huey Long founded the modern Democratic Party. Franklin Roosevelt and the party establishment, scared senseless of Long's ineluctable march to the White House, adopted his program, called it the New Deal, and later The New Frontier and the Great Society.

America and the party prospered.

America could use a Democratic Party again and there's a rumor it's alive -- somewhere."

DICK CHENEY Has Been On Vacation!

AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth: "Dan Froomkin of The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Dick Cheney has spent part of August at his home outside Jackson Wyoming. A Cheney spokesperson insisted it wasn't a vacation because he'd had some briefings.

As of Wednesday -- two days after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf States -- Cheney was STILL VACATIONING IN JACKSON WYOMING. And when was Cheney headed back to Washington?

'He will certainly be coming back. I'm not able to tell you the day right now. I don't have that handy.'

Can you believe it? (Kudos to reader Aaron for pointing us to this.) For days AFTER the worst natural disaster in our nation's history:"

FEMA Directing Donations To Rev. Pat Robertson : Sploid

FEMA Directing Donations To Rev. Pat Robertson : Sploid: "FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is the lead federal agency in the rescue & recovery operation at work in New Orleans and the Mississippi gulf coast.

FEMA has released to the media and on its Web site a list of suggested charities to help the storm’s hundreds of thousands of victims. The Red Cross is first on the list.

The Rev. Pat Robertson’s “Operation Blessing” is next on the list.

“It’s an outrage,” said privacy watchdog Bill Scannell, who alerted Sploid to the FEMA / Robertson scam. “Operation f**cking Blessing? And it’s right underneath the Red Cross link!”"

FEMA supporting an organization run by a terrorist, murder advocating, religious fanatical nutjob.

Image my surprise?

Democracy Now! | Historian: Government Relief Efforts to 1927 Mississippi Flood Faster Than Katrina

Democracy Now! | Historian: Government Relief Efforts to 1927 Mississippi Flood Faster Than Katrina: "While the survivors of Hurricane Katrina struggle to cope the devastation, this is not the first time the Gulf Coast has been wracked by a natural disaster.

In the spring of 1927, after weeks of incessant rains, the Mississippi River flooded. Racing south from Cairo, Illinois, the river blew away levee after levee, inundating thousands of farms and hundreds of towns, killing as many as a thousand people and leaving nearly a million homeless. The disaster laid bare the feudal between whites and blacks in the South."

New Orleans: Destroyed by Presidential Negligence

New Orleans: Destroyed by Presidential Negligence: "In 2001, the New Orleans district spent $147 million on construction projects. When fiscal year 2005 wraps up Sept. 30, the Corps expects to have spent $82 million, a 44.2 percent reduction from 2001 expenditures. ... Unfunded projects include widening drainage canals, flood-proofing bridges and building pumping stations in Orleans and Jefferson parishes. The Corps also wants to build levees in unprotected areas on the West Bank. [New Orleans CityBusiness]"

Who Opened the New Orleans Floodgates?

Who Opened the New Orleans Floodgates?: "The New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers bore the brunt of a record $71.2 million reduction in federal funding for fiscal year 2006.

The Bush administration has been cutting funding for federal disaster relief funds since 2001 while doubling funding in other areas to pump up the biggest growth in government for decades, easily outstripping that of Bill Clinton.

A report from the Best of New Orleans news website outlines the details.

'...Among emergency specialists, 'mitigation' -- the measures taken in advance to minimize the damage caused by natural disasters -- is a crucial part of the strategy to save lives and cut recovery costs. But since 2001, key federal disaster mitigation programs, developed over many years, have been slashed and tossed aside. FEMA's Project Impact, a model mitigation program created by the Clinton administration, has been canceled outright. Federal funding of post-disaster mitigation efforts designed to protect people and property from the next disaster has been cut in half. Communities across the country must now compete for pre-disaster mitigation dollars.'"


Only In AmeriKKKa

New Orleans is Sinking, But...

New Orleans is Sinking, But...

"Hey, Shoot that Black Guy Running Off with the Bottled Water from Wal-Mart!"

Those awful black people!

Oh, yeah, some poor whites too.

While I must admit the footage of two NOPD ladies looting a Wal-Mart was priceless, the sanctimonious and unmistakably racist tone of the correspondent (and Tucker himself) was apalling. This was certainly not confined to MSNBC, though.