
Hey Bush supporters, its HURRICANE season AGAIN!

Click the photo to enlarge so that you can read the text.


  1. Although i am a believer myself these kind of ass-messages make me feel ashamed. People who desperatly like to be the ‘translator” of Gods purposes with our world and hear certain voices all the time makes me hawktoe my carpet.

  2. Quote myself here: "makes me hawktoe my carpet"

    Is a "artistic expression" that after some "research" didn't make any sense in English after all.

    Therefore i must say that i ment to say that i was embareassed instead of acting: 'like a hawk curling his toes in the carpet'

    (in embareassment)

    You should have a expression to express "feeling embareassed" Maybe Hood is getting his comedymaterial after all ;-)

  3. Who is this asshole ('the dummy no longer'??), and why is he or she zeroing in on your blog?! Is he or she trying (is that what the 't' really stands for) to prove just how much of a dummy they are?! Give Hood, and me, a break!! You can't even write or spell coherently. Now, don't get me wrong, I DO have proper compassion for people who are impoverished and therefore uneducated, but is there truly any excuse for you?!

    Maybe I'm not understanding your virtually-incoherent rant(s). What DO you mean? Or do I dare ask, and do we really want to know?

    Hood, that Bob Morris image and message is GREAT!!!!! And RIGHT-ON!!!!! It's NOT funny that ANYONE would suffer physical harm, but I got a good chuckle nonetheless.

    "(T) dummy nl", unless I'm totally misunderstanding you and/or your motives, you're taking it much too seriously, "for (laughing) out loud"! LOL!

    I'm NOT assuming Bob Morris is correct; but, if the paths of the hurricanes as he portrays them are correct, it CAN'T be coincidence! The odds are astronomically against THREE hurricanes having just those "supernatural" paths "coincidentally", if those were truly their paths!

    Again, excellent post, Hood!!!!!

  4. As much as this might make me seem a disingenuous person that I'm not, it just hit me that here I am again "sniping" at someone. Maybe "t dummy nl's" motives are okay, and I'M taking him or her much too seriously myself! I sometimes momentarilly lose my self-control because I'm just so sick and tired of apparent-, willful- ignorance; but I shouldn't apparently jump to conclusions, and who am I to pass such a negative, critical judgment. I truly, sincerely apologize for all of that. I know better than to take my anger out on others', unless of course I absolutely know for sure that they deserve it.

    Dear God, let me live up to my own motto, "ONLY True Peace",


  5. I didn't understand what you mean here, "T Dummy NL", but I finally "got" it. Sorry to call you on the carpet for something you weren't guilty of ( except for "hawk-toeing" on my carpet, damnit! :) You're very right, Bush has a god complex. He really believes he's Jesus the Christ, and/or a very special, if not the most special, servant of God. He's an anti-christ, and he's paving the way for THE anti-christ to come very soon (perhaps this new pope?), so keep looking out for false, so-called "Christians" like Bushier ( or is that Hitler the Second? ;), for he's a very seriously mentally ill, sociopathic hypocrite!
