
Life Behind the Wall

"We no longer can see the sun set'

"The Wall, the construction of began in June 2002, has severely disrupted and profoundly encumbered daily life. It has undermined and wretchedly destroyed the social and economic fabric Palestinian civil society. To make room for its path, entire orchards and olive groves have been uprooted. Farmers have no access to what little remains of their arable land. Thousands of Palestinian homes-over 42,165 in the West Bank­have been demolished by the Israeli military. Tens of thousands of dunams (1 dunam = 1000 square meters) have been confiscated by the Israeli military in this systematic process. Check-points and road-blocks obstruct Palestinians' unfettered access to schools, health clinics, and work. Families have been physically separated; and, in one instance, a house was purportedly divided in half. In Qalqilya, the wall rises to such a height that, it is said, one can no longer see the sun set."

"In one recent case, a woman with a complicated pregnancy was denied an exit permit at Israeli checkpoint near Qalqilya. She was giving birth to twins on the spot, yet the Israeli soldiers refused to let her drive to the nearest hospital for surgery. Both babies died."

What is it with American governments love of supporting racist apartheid rogue regimes?

Why are there not more, if any, Americans of Africa decent willing to speak up on this issue? Surely, one will immediately be smeared with the absurd label of "anti-semite" for putting to light this so-called "security fence". However, as descendants of Africa, as all human beings are, we can be the first to shrug of the childish slur of "anti-semitism" for what it is, a baseless slur, which is itself rooted in racism.

Now that the peoples of color, the Africans, Native Americans (Northern, and Southern), have either been conquered or domesticated, there only remains the Arabs left to be assimilated. Seeing as how some Arabs would rather prefer death, as opposed to annihilation, death is what is being promoted as "democracy and freedom". For surely death is what rides on the back of the horse of western democracy, and one is only truly free, of the hell that is life for some, after death

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