Prepare yourself to take a walk on the Black hand side. The purpose of this site is to, inform, and vent. Material will revolve around, current events, economics and politics. I welcome all feedback, critical and otherwise. Who knows, it may be the start of something good? Stay tuned! And may peace be with you!
Ralph Nader: Talkin' About the "I"-Word
Ralph Nader: Talkin' About the "I"-Word: "Yet the case for impeachment is so strong that, recently, hardly a day goes by without more disclosures which strengthen any number of impeachable offenses that could form a Congressional action under our Constitution. An illegal war, to begin with, against our Constitution which says only Congress can declare war. An illegal war under domestic laws, and international law, and conducted illegally under international conventions to which the US belongs, should cause an outcry against this small clique of outlaws committing war crimes who have hijacked our national government."
Is our president a liar?
Is our president a liar?: "
'He is President, Not A King' Russ Feingold
Was he lying then or is he lying now? Either way he is a liar.
Must watch video: ."
'He is President, Not A King' Russ Feingold
Was he lying then or is he lying now? Either way he is a liar.
Must watch video: ."
Sen. Robert Byrd: No President is Above the Law
Sen. Robert Byrd: No President is Above the Law: "The President claims that these powers are within his role as Commander in Chief. Make no mistake, the powers granted to the Commander in Chief are specifically those as head of the Armed Forces. These warrantless searches are conducted not against a foreign power, but against unsuspecting and unknowing American citizens. They are conducted against individuals living on American soil, not in Iraq or Afghanistan. There is nothing within the powers granted in the Commander in Chief clause that grants the President the ability to conduct clandestine surveillance of American civilians. We must not allow such groundless, foolish claims to stand."
Bush Trashes Constitution, Few Notice
Another Day in the Empire: "Before he was “elected” (appointed) in 2000, Bush “joked” about dictatorship and said it would be fine and dandy by him so long as he was the dictator. Now we have this authoritarian cretin on record trashing the Constitution and the corporate media does not take note and for obvious reason—the corporate media is owned by the same “free trade” (unhindered depredation) marauders and amoral charlatan neolibs that own the government and just about every whore (politician) in Congress."
Bush Threatens to Unleash Terrorists
Another Day in the Empire: "CIA-MI6-Mossad terrorists, the sort who fantastically plot complicated and impossible (for goat herders) terror attacks from caves in one of the most backward and poverty-stricken countries in the world. As we know, if we pay attention, all of the Bush era terror attacks—striking New York, Washington, Bali, Madrid, and London—were executed by intelligence “services,” using dim bulb Muslim patsies as fall guys in order to kindle World War IV, as envisioned by the Straussian neocons and their Israeli Zionist mentors."
Paul Craig Roberts: the Defenders of Torture
Paul Craig Roberts: the Defenders of Torture: "The reason that the Bush administration and the neocons defend torture is that, having launched an illegal invasion and created an American police state, they are desperate for 'evidence' of the terrorist threat in order to justify their illegal and unconstitutional policies.
The only way to obtain this 'evidence' is to torture people until they confess to the plots that are invented for them. A steady stream of confessed 'terrorists' serves to justify the police state that has been created. "
The only way to obtain this 'evidence' is to torture people until they confess to the plots that are invented for them. A steady stream of confessed 'terrorists' serves to justify the police state that has been created. "
Capitol Hill Blue: Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'
Capitol Hill Blue: Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper': "“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”"
Top 11 reasons Dubya planned to bomb the al-Jazeera network
Too Stupid To Be President: "Top 11 reasons Dubya planned to bomb the al-Jazeera network
11. Wanted to send a message to CBS.
10. Ran out of anthrax.
9. Promised Rupert Murdock a lucrative, 'no-bid' contract.
8. Al-Jazeera White House correspondent tried to ask a 'follow-up' question.
7. It's only terrorism when it's done to us.
6. Attorney General advised that he couldn't torture the al-Jazeera staff.
5. Al-Jazeera website linked to a flash animation depicting Dubya as dim-witted.
4. 'Philosophy of life' doesn't extend to journalists.
3. Thought he needed a diversion from the U.S. use of chemical weapons in Fallujah.
2. al-Jazeera ran colorized version of 'It's a Wonderful Life.'
1. Osama bin Laden wasn't there."
11. Wanted to send a message to CBS.
10. Ran out of anthrax.
9. Promised Rupert Murdock a lucrative, 'no-bid' contract.
8. Al-Jazeera White House correspondent tried to ask a 'follow-up' question.
7. It's only terrorism when it's done to us.
6. Attorney General advised that he couldn't torture the al-Jazeera staff.
5. Al-Jazeera website linked to a flash animation depicting Dubya as dim-witted.
4. 'Philosophy of life' doesn't extend to journalists.
3. Thought he needed a diversion from the U.S. use of chemical weapons in Fallujah.
2. al-Jazeera ran colorized version of 'It's a Wonderful Life.'
1. Osama bin Laden wasn't there."
Nobel Laureate Pinter Assails Bush, Blair - Yahoo! News
Nobel Laureate Pinter Assails Bush, Blair - Yahoo! News: "In his lecture, which focused more on politics than literature, Pinter launched a ferocious tirade against Bush and Blair, saying they were responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in the Iraq war.
'How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand?' he asked in a hoarse voice.
'We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it 'bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East,'' Pinter said.
The Nobel committee has not shied from rewarding writers who make a stand against authority, notably in rewarding the literature prize to Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn in 1970.
Horace Engdahl, the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, introduced the lecture by saying Pinter was delivering 'his free words such as a writer has a right to say them.'
Pinter accused the United States of supporting 'every right wing military dictatorship in the world' after World War II, from Chile to the Philippines.
'The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them,' he said. 'It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It's a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.'"
Yes, Mr. Pinter, I, and those that visit this site often, know this all to be true.
'How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand?' he asked in a hoarse voice.
'We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it 'bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East,'' Pinter said.
The Nobel committee has not shied from rewarding writers who make a stand against authority, notably in rewarding the literature prize to Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn in 1970.
Horace Engdahl, the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, introduced the lecture by saying Pinter was delivering 'his free words such as a writer has a right to say them.'
Pinter accused the United States of supporting 'every right wing military dictatorship in the world' after World War II, from Chile to the Philippines.
'The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them,' he said. 'It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It's a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.'"
Yes, Mr. Pinter, I, and those that visit this site often, know this all to be true.
Tire Giant Firestone Hit with Lawsuit over Slave-Like Conditions at Rubber Plantation - Yahoo! News
Tire Giant Firestone Hit with Lawsuit over Slave-Like Conditions at Rubber Plantation - Yahoo! News: "At Firestone, 'all of the workers are poverty-stricken Africans, enduring extremely inhuman conditions under the constant guard of American and now Japanese overseers who live in the finest houses in Liberia, looking down on the field hands from their verandahs and the company's private golf course,' the group says.
By contrast, 'most of the workers have never been off of the plantation and do not even know that the world has moved on and slavery has been abolished.'
The company denies the use of child labor and claims that its jobs are among the highest paying in Liberia. But right activists who have visited the plantation attest to the desperation and fear conveyed by Firestone's workers.
'I have seen six people living in one room, without any toilet, electricity, or running water,' Jerome Verdier, an environmental lawyer from Liberia, told OneWorld. 'The company has no justification whatsoever to keep on exploiting those people.'"
By contrast, 'most of the workers have never been off of the plantation and do not even know that the world has moved on and slavery has been abolished.'
The company denies the use of child labor and claims that its jobs are among the highest paying in Liberia. But right activists who have visited the plantation attest to the desperation and fear conveyed by Firestone's workers.
'I have seen six people living in one room, without any toilet, electricity, or running water,' Jerome Verdier, an environmental lawyer from Liberia, told OneWorld. 'The company has no justification whatsoever to keep on exploiting those people.'"
Dave Lindorff: US War Crimes List Keeps Growing
Dave Lindorff: US War Crimes List Keeps Growing: "In fact, an instruction manual used by the U.S. Army Command and General Staff School (CGSC) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, tells senior officers it is against the 'laws of war' to fire the incendiary weapon at human targets. This document, first disclosed by the UK Independent, reports that the Army manual 'makes clear that white phosphorus can be used to produce a smoke screen, but that 'It is against the law of land warfare to employ WP [white phosphorous] against personnel targets.''
So besides being a war crime, this is also a US crime."
Is there any doubt still, as to what this country has devolved into?
So besides being a war crime, this is also a US crime."
Is there any doubt still, as to what this country has devolved into?
Paul Craig Roberts: the Grave Threat of the Bush Administration
Paul Craig Roberts: the Grave Threat of the Bush Administration: "On November 27 Walter Pincus reported in the Washington Post that the Pentagon is expanding its domestic surveillance activity and that all sorts of proposals are afoot to allow military agencies to spy on law-abiding Americans and to build secret dossiers on citizens. The demand for police state powers is said to be necessary in order to fight the 'war on terror.'"
Mike Whitney: the Pentagon's Domestic Spying Operation
Mike Whitney: the Pentagon's Domestic Spying Operation: "An alarmed Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore) said, 'We are deputizing the military to spy on law-abiding Americans in America. This is a huge leap without a congressional hearing'.
Is this the first time that the naïve Wyden realized that the war on terror is actually directed at the American people?
The expanded powers of the Pentagon were presented in a proposal by a presidential commission headed by Lawrence Silberman and former Senator Charles Robb, two members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the 9-11 'whitewash' commission. The CFR, a 4,000 member amalgam of elites from the military, industry and media, was the driving force behind the Iraq war, as well as, enthusiastic advocates of the national security state. Their recommendations will allow the military to assume the traditional role of law enforcement and by giving it the authority to 'carry out domestic criminal investigations and clandestine operations against potential threats inside the United States'.
Oh, yeah; and the Pentagon will be involved in the 'apprehension, or detention of individuals suspected' of criminal offenses.
This is a giant step for removing dissidents and political enemies while further militarizing the country."
Is this the first time that the naïve Wyden realized that the war on terror is actually directed at the American people?
The expanded powers of the Pentagon were presented in a proposal by a presidential commission headed by Lawrence Silberman and former Senator Charles Robb, two members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the 9-11 'whitewash' commission. The CFR, a 4,000 member amalgam of elites from the military, industry and media, was the driving force behind the Iraq war, as well as, enthusiastic advocates of the national security state. Their recommendations will allow the military to assume the traditional role of law enforcement and by giving it the authority to 'carry out domestic criminal investigations and clandestine operations against potential threats inside the United States'.
Oh, yeah; and the Pentagon will be involved in the 'apprehension, or detention of individuals suspected' of criminal offenses.
This is a giant step for removing dissidents and political enemies while further militarizing the country."
Niranjan Ramakrishnan: Questions for the President
Niranjan Ramakrishnan: Questions for the President: "12. Mr. President, some US government officials now admit, after initially denying it, that White Phosphorus was used in the Battle of Fallujah. Do you accept responsibility for its use, as Commander-in-Chief. If so, can you tell the American people what steps you are taking to punish the people who used it, given that its use by Saddam Hussein's forces was condemned by our own reports during the '80's?"
Racial Poverty Gaps in U.S. Amount to Human Rights Violation, Says U.N. Expert - Yahoo! News
Racial Poverty Gaps in U.S. Amount to Human Rights Violation, Says U.N. Expert - Yahoo! News: "'Resource constraints have limited the reach of the assistance programs and social discrimination has aggravated the problems in many situations resulting in poverty clearly seen as a violation of human rights,' Dr. Arjun Sengupta declared after visiting the United States last month.
'If the United States government designed and implemented the policies according to human rights standards much of the problem of poverty could be resolved,' he added.
Dr. Sengupta, an expert on human rights and extreme poverty of the world body's Commission on Human Rights, said he chose to visit the United States because he wanted to illustrate that extreme poverty was not only prevalent in developing countries, but a phenomenon that is found in most nations in the world, according to U.N. officials.
'The case of the United States was particularly interesting as it presented an apparent paradox: as the wealthiest country on Earth, with higher per capita income levels than any other country, the United States has also had one of the highest incidences of poverty among the rich industrialized nations,' Dr. Sengupta said."
'If the United States government designed and implemented the policies according to human rights standards much of the problem of poverty could be resolved,' he added.
Dr. Sengupta, an expert on human rights and extreme poverty of the world body's Commission on Human Rights, said he chose to visit the United States because he wanted to illustrate that extreme poverty was not only prevalent in developing countries, but a phenomenon that is found in most nations in the world, according to U.N. officials.
'The case of the United States was particularly interesting as it presented an apparent paradox: as the wealthiest country on Earth, with higher per capita income levels than any other country, the United States has also had one of the highest incidences of poverty among the rich industrialized nations,' Dr. Sengupta said."
Mike Malloy :: View topic - This isn't the real America - Jimmy Carter
Mike Malloy :: View topic - This isn't the real America - Jimmy Carter: "Of even greater concern is that the U.S. has repudiated the Geneva accords and espoused the use of torture in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, and secretly through proxy regimes elsewhere with the so-called extraordinary rendition program. It is embarrassing to see the president and vice president insisting that the CIA should be free to perpetrate 'cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment' on people in U.S. custody. "
Pierre Tristam: the Justice Deficit
Pierre Tristam: the Justice Deficit: "Embarrassing? No. Lawmakers getting caught smoking crack in a Vegas whorehouse is embarrassing. Lawmakers endorsing a counterfeit war that has killed almost 2,100 American soldiers and more than 30,000 Iraqis, that will soon have cost more than the entirety of the Vietnam War, that has no end in sight and that keeps being defended, by most of those very lawmakers, as a battle protecting American freedom and birthing Iraqi democracy (the two biggest lies of this poison-ridden war) -- those things aren't embarrassing; they're criminal. " - More War Crimes - Nov 22, 2005 - U.S.: Al-Jazeera bomb story 'outlandish' - Nov 22, 2005: "Top Bush administration officials, particularly Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, have been sharply critical of Al-Jazeera in the past.
When U.S. troops went back into Falluja in November 2004, Rumsfeld called the network's account of civilian casualties during the American push to retake the city 'outrageous nonsense' and 'vicious, inaccurate and inexcusable.'
An Al-Jazeera reporter was killed and three other employees were wounded by an American airstrike during the U.S. push into Baghdad in 2003.
American bombs struck the network's Kabul office during the U.S. assault on Afghanistan in 2001.
During the 1999 air campaign over Kosovo, U.S. warplanes targeted Yugoslavia's state television network. NATO officials argued it was a legitimate target as the propaganda arm of the Yugoslav government."
When U.S. troops went back into Falluja in November 2004, Rumsfeld called the network's account of civilian casualties during the American push to retake the city 'outrageous nonsense' and 'vicious, inaccurate and inexcusable.'
An Al-Jazeera reporter was killed and three other employees were wounded by an American airstrike during the U.S. push into Baghdad in 2003.
American bombs struck the network's Kabul office during the U.S. assault on Afghanistan in 2001.
During the 1999 air campaign over Kosovo, U.S. warplanes targeted Yugoslavia's state television network. NATO officials argued it was a legitimate target as the propaganda arm of the Yugoslav government."
Paul Craig Roberts: Lies and Official Secrets
Paul Craig Roberts: Lies and Official Secrets: "Consequently, the US and UK governments invaded a country for reasons that were different from the fabricated reasons used to make the case to the public. Thus did the highest officials in the two governments commit a plethora of crimes.
Under the Nuremberg standard, it is a war crime to initiate military aggression.
It is a criminal act both in the US and the UK to commit military forces to action under false pretenses.
Many aspects of the conduct of the war are criminal. Torture, murder of civilians, corruption in contracts. Prosecutors could build a list of charges against President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, Defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Prime Minister Blair."
Under the Nuremberg standard, it is a war crime to initiate military aggression.
It is a criminal act both in the US and the UK to commit military forces to action under false pretenses.
Many aspects of the conduct of the war are criminal. Torture, murder of civilians, corruption in contracts. Prosecutors could build a list of charges against President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, Defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Prime Minister Blair."
Research Dispels Bush Claims That Tax Cuts Create Jobs - Yahoo! News
Research Dispels Bush Claims That Tax Cuts Create Jobs - Yahoo! News: "'No workers have really benefited from
President Bush's tax policy,' says Gloribell Mota, a bilingual education specialist at UFE. 'But Blacks and Latinos have suffered disproportionately.'
The study shows that African American unemployment remains about twice as high as that of White workers. Moreover, it indicates no sign of growth in quality jobs (defined as paying at least 16 dollars per hour and including health benefits and a pension plan) for workers from any racial background, including Whites.
Last year, one million people fell below the poverty line, a disproportionate number of them children, while the number of billionaires rose to 374, the study says, adding that the number of people living in poverty rose from 11.3 percent in 2000 to 12.7 percent in 2004.
The study also shows that the percentage of American workers benefiting from employment-based health insurance was down from 63 percent in 2000 to less than 60 percent in 2004. This despite the fact that U.S. workers are spending more than 1800 hours per year at work while their counterparts in other technologically advanced nations work for 1600 hours a year--a difference of five full work weeks."
President Bush's tax policy,' says Gloribell Mota, a bilingual education specialist at UFE. 'But Blacks and Latinos have suffered disproportionately.'
The study shows that African American unemployment remains about twice as high as that of White workers. Moreover, it indicates no sign of growth in quality jobs (defined as paying at least 16 dollars per hour and including health benefits and a pension plan) for workers from any racial background, including Whites.
Last year, one million people fell below the poverty line, a disproportionate number of them children, while the number of billionaires rose to 374, the study says, adding that the number of people living in poverty rose from 11.3 percent in 2000 to 12.7 percent in 2004.
The study also shows that the percentage of American workers benefiting from employment-based health insurance was down from 63 percent in 2000 to less than 60 percent in 2004. This despite the fact that U.S. workers are spending more than 1800 hours per year at work while their counterparts in other technologically advanced nations work for 1600 hours a year--a difference of five full work weeks."
11.19.2005 11/12/05 - Power Uber Alles 11/12/05 - Power Uber Alles: "What a hypocritical spectacle the Bush administration and the Republican Party have made of America. They boast of 'freedom and democracy' while they destroy habeas corpus and practice torture.
Americans must recognize the Bush administration and the Republican Party for what they are. They are tyrants. They are bringing evil to the world and tyranny to America.
According to the Washington Post (Nov. 11), there are 750 detainees at Guantanamo. These people have been held for 3 or 4 years. If the Bush administration had any evidence against them, it would be a simple matter to file charges.
But the Bush administration does not have any evidence against them. Most of the detainees are innocent travelers and Arab businessmen who were captured by warlords and armed gangs and sold to the Americans who offered payments for 'terrorists.'
The reason so many of them have been tortured is that the Bush administration has no evidence against them and is relying on pain and the hopelessness of indefinite detention to induce self-incrimination. The Bush administration is desperate to produce some 'terrorists.'
What has become of the American people that they permit the despicable practices of tyrants to be practiced in their name? The Bush administration is in violation of the US Constitution, the rule of law, the Geneva Convention, the Nuremberg Standard, and basic humanity. It is a gang of criminals. The Republican Party is so terrified of losing power that it supports a tyrannical administration that has brought shame not just to the Republican name but to all Americans.
When a Republican next campaigns, all he can say is 'vote for me because I want power to lock you up and torture you.'
Paul Craig Roberts is the author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice.
Americans must recognize the Bush administration and the Republican Party for what they are. They are tyrants. They are bringing evil to the world and tyranny to America.
According to the Washington Post (Nov. 11), there are 750 detainees at Guantanamo. These people have been held for 3 or 4 years. If the Bush administration had any evidence against them, it would be a simple matter to file charges.
But the Bush administration does not have any evidence against them. Most of the detainees are innocent travelers and Arab businessmen who were captured by warlords and armed gangs and sold to the Americans who offered payments for 'terrorists.'
The reason so many of them have been tortured is that the Bush administration has no evidence against them and is relying on pain and the hopelessness of indefinite detention to induce self-incrimination. The Bush administration is desperate to produce some 'terrorists.'
What has become of the American people that they permit the despicable practices of tyrants to be practiced in their name? The Bush administration is in violation of the US Constitution, the rule of law, the Geneva Convention, the Nuremberg Standard, and basic humanity. It is a gang of criminals. The Republican Party is so terrified of losing power that it supports a tyrannical administration that has brought shame not just to the Republican name but to all Americans.
When a Republican next campaigns, all he can say is 'vote for me because I want power to lock you up and torture you.'
Paul Craig Roberts is the author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice.
FRONTLINE: the torture question: watch the full program online | PBS
FRONTLINE: the torture question: watch the full program online | PBS: "In mid-August, a FRONTLINE documentary crew made the perilous journey to the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Entering the 280-acre compound in the middle of the night, escorted by helicopters and a convoy of armed Humvees, the crew was following 50 detainees fresh from the battlefield. As they were ordered to kneel in formation on the concrete floor, one detainee nervously asked the FRONTLINE cameraman, 'Is this Abu Ghraib?' The answer brought a shudder."
Alison Weir: Memo to Jon Stewart on Torture
Alison Weir: Memo to Jon Stewart on Torture: "Dirani said he was interrogated around the clock for a month by six people, including a man known only as George, who threatened him, cursed him and repeatedly squeezed his testicles 'until I felt I would die,' Dirani said.
One day a uniformed soldier nicknamed 'Kojak' came into the room and dropped his pants, and George told Dirani the soldier would sodomize him if he did not talk, Dirani said.
Days later, Dirani was shackled and pushed down onto a bench, he said. 'I couldn't see or resist ... I was raped by the soldier. He said he would rape me, and he did,' he told the court.
'Two or three days later they started raping me with a police baton,' he said. 'It's impossible to describe the pain. I yelled to high heaven.'"
Still wonder where the soldiers from Abu Ghraib got there ideas?
GOP memo touts new terror attack as way to reverse party's decline
GOP memo touts new terror attack as way to reverse party's decline: "Comment: This document adds to the mountanous pile of smoking gun evidence of government complicity in staged terror attacks and other false flag operations. It has now been declassified, as we already knew, that the Gulf of Tonkin never happened. It was staged to get us into Vietnam. Operation Northwoods was the official US government plan to carry out 9/11 style attacks against the American people and blame it on foreign enemies as a pretext for war.
Read below as governmental leaders salivate over how wonderful a devastating terror attack would be against the American people for their policies, it would force us to accept total enslavement. It goes on to talk about our sorrow and pain and how it could be directed. I've been reading Capitol Hill Blue for years and they are one of the most impeccable sources we have found."
Asia Times Online :: Follow the drugs: US shown the way
Asia Times Online :: Central Asian News and current affairs, Russia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan: "After the Taliban were ousted from Kabul in late 2001, opium production skyrocketed again, breaking all-time production records in 2004. Hundreds of tons of Afghan heroin are now transported annually to Europe, corrupting the continent's systems further - and much of it passes through Tajikistan."
Prize-Winning Cuban Scientist Denied Visa - Yahoo! News
Prize-Winning Cuban Scientist Denied Visa - Yahoo! News: "'It's incomprehensible that a civilized nation can confuse someone who has dedicated his life to saving the lives of children with someone who goes against the interests of the United States,' Verez-Bencomo said with a sigh. 'I wasn't going there to talk about politics, I was going to talk about science.'
Verez-Bencomo led a team that developed a vaccine for Haemophilus influenza type B, also known as Hib, a bacteria that causes meningitis and pneumonia. The diseases kill up to 700,000 children worldwide each year.
Before the development of a similar vaccine more than a decade ago, Hib was the biggest cause of meningitis among infants in the United States. That earlier vaccine has all but stamped out the disease in the western world, but mass immunizations are too expensive for many poor countries.
The synthetic vaccine created by Verez-Bencomo's team can be produced at a relatively low cost because antigens don't have to be grown in a bacterial culture, making it an attractive alternative for poorer nations.
So far more than 1 million doses have been administered to Cubans. Science Magazine last month said the vaccine 'may someday save millions of lives.'"
Verez-Bencomo led a team that developed a vaccine for Haemophilus influenza type B, also known as Hib, a bacteria that causes meningitis and pneumonia. The diseases kill up to 700,000 children worldwide each year.
Before the development of a similar vaccine more than a decade ago, Hib was the biggest cause of meningitis among infants in the United States. That earlier vaccine has all but stamped out the disease in the western world, but mass immunizations are too expensive for many poor countries.
The synthetic vaccine created by Verez-Bencomo's team can be produced at a relatively low cost because antigens don't have to be grown in a bacterial culture, making it an attractive alternative for poorer nations.
So far more than 1 million doses have been administered to Cubans. Science Magazine last month said the vaccine 'may someday save millions of lives.'"
Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre
War Crimes by Americans shown on Italian TV.
It appears the Italian journalist was kidnapped by US authorities, and once she was freed, her captors, tried to kill her. The only persons with motive for attacking and killing a Italian journalist (unembbed), with a history and orders to kill journalists, are the forces of the US of A.
How does that make you feel?
It appears the Italian journalist was kidnapped by US authorities, and once she was freed, her captors, tried to kill her. The only persons with motive for attacking and killing a Italian journalist (unembbed), with a history and orders to kill journalists, are the forces of the US of A.
How does that make you feel?
Torture: It's the new American way - Los Angeles Times
Torture: It's the new American way - Los Angeles Times: "According to Dana Priest, the Washington Post investigative reporter who broke the story Wednesday, it all started on Sept. 17, 2001, when President Bush signed a secret executive order authorizing the CIA to kill, capture or detain Al Qaeda operatives.
There was only one problem: The CIA didn't know where to put the people it detained. Those detainees thought to be of 'high value' needed to be kept somewhere … special. Somewhere impregnable, like Alcatraz. And somewhere secret, far from the prying eyes of reporters or Red Cross officials. Because these high-value prisoners — so-called ghost detainees — were going to be subjected to 'enhanced interrogation techniques.' "
There was only one problem: The CIA didn't know where to put the people it detained. Those detainees thought to be of 'high value' needed to be kept somewhere … special. Somewhere impregnable, like Alcatraz. And somewhere secret, far from the prying eyes of reporters or Red Cross officials. Because these high-value prisoners — so-called ghost detainees — were going to be subjected to 'enhanced interrogation techniques.' "
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld sees growth in Gilead stake - Oct. 31, 2005
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld sees growth in Gilead stake - Oct. 31, 2005: "NEW YORK (Fortune) - The prospect of a bird flu outbreak may be panicking people around the globe, but it's proving to be very good news for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other politically connected investors in Gilead Sciences, the California biotech company that owns the rights to Tamiflu, the influenza remedy that's now the most-sought after drug in the world."
Think about that, long and hard.
Think about that, long and hard.
Ingmar Lee: Stop the Troops!
Ingmar Lee: Stop the Troops!: "The American military, from top to bottom is a hideous blight on our planet. There are no innocents in this massive killing machine. There's no 'honour' in volunteering for the worlds largest terrorist organization, now under the command of the deceitful, criminal cabal led by George W. Bush. American soldiers are well trained to kill, and obviously, to torture, and they go off to Iraq all of their own 'free will.' They know that they will kill, and that they may die. There will not be any 'honour,' or 'glory' for these stupid youngsters who continue to volunteer themselves for 'duty' in Bush's appalling adventure. These soldiers, including the 2000 dead, by taint of their volunteer status, are each personally responsible for the murder of 100,000 innocent Iraqi's."
The Blog | Cenk Uygur: The Real Indictment of Dick Cheney | The Huffington Post
The Blog | Cenk Uygur: The Real Indictment of Dick Cheney | The Huffington Post: "How can this administration argue that it was a few rogue soldiers who committed the abuses at Abu Ghraib (and all of the other prisons all over Iraq and Afghanistan), when they are arguing for the right to treat detainees with 'cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment' right now?
These are the people who said they were going to bring dignity and morality back into the White House. I know a lot of people voted for this President because they thought he is a good Christian, just like them. Let me ask you, is this what Christianity is all about? Do good Christians argue for cruelty, degradation and inhumanity?
Either Christianity is twisted or Bush has twisted Christianity. Either way, if you claim to be a moral person proud of being a Christian, stand up against this barbarity or never speak of morality again."
These are the people who said they were going to bring dignity and morality back into the White House. I know a lot of people voted for this President because they thought he is a good Christian, just like them. Let me ask you, is this what Christianity is all about? Do good Christians argue for cruelty, degradation and inhumanity?
Either Christianity is twisted or Bush has twisted Christianity. Either way, if you claim to be a moral person proud of being a Christian, stand up against this barbarity or never speak of morality again."
RFID Chips To Travel in U.S. Passports - Yahoo! News
RFID Chips To Travel in U.S. Passports - Yahoo! News: "The passports will have 64 kilobyte RFID chip to permit adequate storage room in case additional data, or fingerprints or iris scan biometric technology is added in the future. The United States will follow ICAO's international specifications to participate in a global electronic passport initiative. The specification indicates a data format and use of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that permits digital signatures to protect the data from tampering, according to the Bush administration."
xymphora: The ground war in Syria has begun
xymphora: The ground war in Syria has begun: "Syria is in grave danger of attack and destruction by the United States, and Iran isn't, simply because the neocons take their marching orders from Israel, and the Likudniks want regime change in Syria, and the ultimate destruction of that country."
The AIDS virus: Made in the USA?
The AIDS virus: Made in the USA?: "October 26, 2005—You mean AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) didn’t come from a green monkey that bit a black African on the ass? Are you lying to us again, Uncle Sam? I think so."
More on this obvious issue.
Because this country and those in power have backed nothing but MASS DEATH, always aimed at people of color. There is also the connection to the Bush crime family.
More on this obvious issue.
Because this country and those in power have backed nothing but MASS DEATH, always aimed at people of color. There is also the connection to the Bush crime family.
Gag Order Lifted On Canadian Torture Charges Against Bush
Gag Order Lifted On Canadian Torture Charges Against Bush: "“This is a very important victory”, said Gail Davidson, who laid the charges and, along with Howard Rubin, argued the case for LAW, “because it ensures that the proceedings will be scrutinized by people in Canada and throughout the world, to make sure that the law is applied fairly and properly and, above all, to make sure that Bush doesn’t get away with torture.”
“The American legal system seems incapable of bringing him to justice and there are no international courts with jurisdiction. So it’s up to Canada to enforce the law that everybody has signed on to but nobody else seems willing to apply.”
The next hearing in the case will take place on November 25th 2005, at 10:00 a.m. at the B.C. Supreme Court, 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver, B.C., when government lawyers have said they will argue that the case is no longer “moot” because the Attorney General of Canada has not yet consented to the prosecution. Toronto law professor Michael Mandel, co-chair of LAW, calls this argument “bogus”: “He’s still guilty of torture, he’s still on the loose and we still have our obligations under the UN Convention to bring torturers to justice.”"
“The American legal system seems incapable of bringing him to justice and there are no international courts with jurisdiction. So it’s up to Canada to enforce the law that everybody has signed on to but nobody else seems willing to apply.”
The next hearing in the case will take place on November 25th 2005, at 10:00 a.m. at the B.C. Supreme Court, 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver, B.C., when government lawyers have said they will argue that the case is no longer “moot” because the Attorney General of Canada has not yet consented to the prosecution. Toronto law professor Michael Mandel, co-chair of LAW, calls this argument “bogus”: “He’s still guilty of torture, he’s still on the loose and we still have our obligations under the UN Convention to bring torturers to justice.”"
9/11 Theologian Says Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Is Now a Fact, Not a Theory
9/11 Theologian Says Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Is Now a Fact, Not a Theory: "'The evidence for this conclusion (that 9/11 was an inside job) has thus far been largely ignored by the mainstream press, perhaps under the guise of obeying President Bush’s advice not to tolerate “outrageous conspiracy theories.” We have seen, however, that it is the Bush administration’s conspiracy theory that is the outrageous one, because it is violently contradicted by numerous facts, including some basic laws of physics.
'There is, of course, another reason why the mainstream press has not pointed out these contradictions. As a recent letter to the Los Angeles Times said:
“'The number of contradictions in the official version of . . . 9/11 is so overwhelming that . . . it simply cannot be believed. Yet . . . the official version cannot be abandoned because the implication of rejecting it is far too disturbing: that we are subject to a government conspiracy of ‘X-Files’ proportions and insidiousness.' "
'There is, of course, another reason why the mainstream press has not pointed out these contradictions. As a recent letter to the Los Angeles Times said:
“'The number of contradictions in the official version of . . . 9/11 is so overwhelming that . . . it simply cannot be believed. Yet . . . the official version cannot be abandoned because the implication of rejecting it is far too disturbing: that we are subject to a government conspiracy of ‘X-Files’ proportions and insidiousness.' "
Harper's Magazine: We Now Live in a Fascist State
Harper's Magazine: We Now Live in a Fascist State: "I don't say that over the last thirty years we haven't made brave strides forward. By matching Eco's list of fascist commandments against our record of achievement, we can see how well we've begun the new project for the next millennium -- the notion of absolute and eternal truth embraced by the evangelical Christians and embodied in the strict constructions of the Constitution; our national identity provided by anonymous Arabs; Darwin's theory of evolution rescinded by the fiat of 'intelligent design'; a state of perpetual war and a government administering, in generous and daily doses, the drug of fear; two presidential elections stolen with little or no objection on the part of a complacent populace; the nation's congressional districts gerrymandered to defend the White House for the next fifty years against the intrusion of a liberal-minded president; the news media devoted to the arts of iconography, busily minting images of corporate executives like those of the emperor heroes on the coins of ancient Rome.
An impressive beginning, in line with what the world has come to expect from the innovative Americans, but we can do better. The early twentieth-century fascisms didn't enter their golden age until the proletariat in the countries that gave them birth had been reduced to abject poverty. The music and the marching songs rose with the cry of eagles from the wreckage of the domestic economy. On the evidence of the wonderful work currently being done by the Bush Administration with respect to the trade deficit and the national debt -- to say nothing of expanding the markets for global terrorism -- I think we can look forward with confidence to character-building bankruptcies, picturesque bread riots, thrilling cavalcades of splendidly costumed motorcycle police."
An impressive beginning, in line with what the world has come to expect from the innovative Americans, but we can do better. The early twentieth-century fascisms didn't enter their golden age until the proletariat in the countries that gave them birth had been reduced to abject poverty. The music and the marching songs rose with the cry of eagles from the wreckage of the domestic economy. On the evidence of the wonderful work currently being done by the Bush Administration with respect to the trade deficit and the national debt -- to say nothing of expanding the markets for global terrorism -- I think we can look forward with confidence to character-building bankruptcies, picturesque bread riots, thrilling cavalcades of splendidly costumed motorcycle police."
Violations found in FBI surveillance, records show
Violations found in FBI surveillance, records show: "The FBI has conducted clandestine surveillance on some U.S. residents for as long as 18 months at a time without proper paperwork or oversight, according to previously classified documents to be released today.
Records turned over as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit also indicate that the FBI has investigated hundreds of potential violations related to its use of secret surveillance operations, which have been stepped up dramatically in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks but largely are hidden from public view."
This is what the FBI does. Now that a rougue regime is in power, they have no restraints. When went from COINTELPRO to USA PATRIOT ACT, the same as Hitler's Enabling Acts.
Americans are truely the dumbest muthafuckas on the planet, hands down.
Records turned over as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit also indicate that the FBI has investigated hundreds of potential violations related to its use of secret surveillance operations, which have been stepped up dramatically in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks but largely are hidden from public view."
This is what the FBI does. Now that a rougue regime is in power, they have no restraints. When went from COINTELPRO to USA PATRIOT ACT, the same as Hitler's Enabling Acts.
Americans are truely the dumbest muthafuckas on the planet, hands down.
Lee Sustar: What the "War on Terror" is Really About
Lee Sustar: What the "War on Terror" is Really About: "The U.S. 'war on terror' is nothing more than ideological justification for the aggressive projection of U.S. imperial power abroad--and a clampdown on any serious challenge to the system at home. Islamophobic diatribes are a means of providing a cover to this reality.
The task of the antiwar movement isn't to reshape the U.S. war on terror to be more effective--but to oppose it."
The task of the antiwar movement isn't to reshape the U.S. war on terror to be more effective--but to oppose it."
Brian Cloughley: Bush the Strategist
Brian Cloughley: Bush the Strategist: "Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz are criminals. (Forget Perle because he's just a pathetic little quasi-intellectual trickster ; although, to be sure, he's made a lot of money from his efforts.) They have sacrificed the lives of American soldiers because they refuse to admit they were wrong. Bush the strategist is a phony who prefers to look after the 'haves and the have mores', as he declared on October 20, 2000. His loyalty is not to his troops or his country. It is to money and power and looking good in macho fancy dress. Bring on impeachment."
Norman Solomon: Iraq is Not Vietnam, But...
Norman Solomon: Iraq is Not Vietnam, But...: "With repeated use of violence more massive than any other entity on the planet can dream of mustering, Uncle Sam is the globe's dominant serial killer. This reality, so obvious to most of the world, is hidden in plain sight across the U.S. corporate media spectrum.
The United States is the United States. And that's the ultimate continuity between the Vietnam War and the U.S. war effort in Iraq today."
The United States is the United States. And that's the ultimate continuity between the Vietnam War and the U.S. war effort in Iraq today."
Mike Whitney: Apres Rove
Mike Whitney: Apres Rove: "In the last few weeks a number of articles have pointed out that Bush is totally outside of the policy making loop in his own administration. Apparently, the Pentagon's OSP (Office of Special Plans) and Cheney's WHIG (White House Iraq Group) made all of the major decisions related to the upcoming war in Iraq. Bush was either too busy developing a softer look for his scripted video-conferences or frolicking in the Crawford outback on his customized mountain bike. Wherever he was doing, his circumscribed role as performer-in-chief has never really been in doubt. He was enlisted to put a smiley-face on vile policies of torture, repression and war; and, he has done just that."
Why Savers Are Losers: Why the Rich Get Richer - Yahoo! Finance
Why Savers Are Losers: Why the Rich Get Richer - Yahoo! Finance: "My poor dad believed in saving money. 'A dollar saved is a dollar earned,' he often said.
The problem was he didn't pay attention to changes in monetary policy. All his life he saved, not realizing that after 1971 his dollar was no longer money.
You see, in 1971 President Richard Nixon changed the rules of money. That year, the U.S. dollar ceased being money and became a currency. This was one of the most important changes in modern history, but few people understand why."
The problem was he didn't pay attention to changes in monetary policy. All his life he saved, not realizing that after 1971 his dollar was no longer money.
You see, in 1971 President Richard Nixon changed the rules of money. That year, the U.S. dollar ceased being money and became a currency. This was one of the most important changes in modern history, but few people understand why."
Special message on the Millions More Movement
Special message on the Millions More Movement: "Ten years ago, the historic Million Man March brought nearly two million men to the Nation's Capitol and demonstrated the willingness of Black men to atone to God for shortcomings as men, husbands and fathers and, a willingness to reconcile differences at home, school, church, organizations and in the society in general. An increase in Black male voter participation and thousands of adoptions following the March was directly attributed to the successful event. "
Let Cheney-Bush Go Quietly Now, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (Oct. 3, 2005)
Let Cheney-Bush Go Quietly Now, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (Oct. 3, 2005): "The bottom line for all this and much more besides, is that the current Bush-Cheney administration is the worst, most incompetent, and also most brutish government in all of U.S. history to date. This is a view which is largely shared by those who are my personal leading adversaries as much as friendly circles. We agree on one thing: this administration is a disaster which our republic could not survive for three more years of the present trends.
The time has come to tell the President and Vice-President to go quietly, for the sake of the nation, and also, like Nixon, to avoid the legal consequences of continuing to attempt to 'tough it out.' We could be most generous to them in their early retirement years, if they would kindly assist us in expediting the urgently needed return, by the established constitutional route, to the sane government we so urgently needed in this time of the gravest kind of global monetary-financial and economic crisis."
I don't think they should go so quietly. These theives and murders should be given the same treatment they have rendered on their enemies, and former allies, like Sadaam. They are of the same cloth. Mass murders, brutal dictators, and they left their own people to die and starve to dead, men women and children, in the street.
The time has come to tell the President and Vice-President to go quietly, for the sake of the nation, and also, like Nixon, to avoid the legal consequences of continuing to attempt to 'tough it out.' We could be most generous to them in their early retirement years, if they would kindly assist us in expediting the urgently needed return, by the established constitutional route, to the sane government we so urgently needed in this time of the gravest kind of global monetary-financial and economic crisis."
I don't think they should go so quietly. These theives and murders should be given the same treatment they have rendered on their enemies, and former allies, like Sadaam. They are of the same cloth. Mass murders, brutal dictators, and they left their own people to die and starve to dead, men women and children, in the street.
Attorney: Police Shot Teen With Taser Gun At Least Seven Times
Attorney: Police Shot Teen With Taser Gun At Least Seven Times: "A teen who police shot with a Taser gun at least seven times said they had no reason to attack him, but the Hialeah police chief disagrees.
Attorneys for Roberto Martinez, 16, said Hialeah police used excessive force when they used a Taser gun on the teen seven to 10 times outside a Wendy's restaurant. Several teens had gone to the restaurant after a football game."
More Nazis and their new toy.
When are these vermin going to be brought to justice?
Attorneys for Roberto Martinez, 16, said Hialeah police used excessive force when they used a Taser gun on the teen seven to 10 times outside a Wendy's restaurant. Several teens had gone to the restaurant after a football game."
More Nazis and their new toy.
When are these vermin going to be brought to justice?
Republican Congressman Slams Bush On Militarized Police State Preparation
Republican Congressman Slams Bush On Militarized Police State Preparation: "'I believe it is the President hyping this and Rumsfeld, but it has to be in combination with the people being fearful enough that they will accept the man on the white horse. My first reaction going from my political and medical background is that it's way overly hyped and to think that they have gone this far with it, without a single case in the whole country and they're willing to change the law and turn it into a military state? That is unbelievable! They're determined to have martial law.'"
Lila Rajiva: Live from New Orleans: Abu Ghraib!
Lila Rajiva: Live from New Orleans: Abu Ghraib!: "The routine assault and looting of Iraqi civilians caught up in searches and random detentions in Iraq are not anomalous as we are told solemnly by imperial apologists but the export of racist home-grown brutality endemic in our law enforcement. Abu Ghraib is the return of this repressed, this violent underbelly of America's 'liberal' state."
Robert Jensen: Is Bush a Racist?
Robert Jensen: Is Bush a Racist?: "For his entire life, Bush has sat on the very top of the privilege pile. He is white in a white-supremacist society; a heterosexual man in a patriarchal culture; born into wealth in a capitalist economy; and a U.S. citizen in a world dominated by his nation. In the identity game, it’s hard to get a better roll of the dice.
The downside to all this for folks like Bush is that privilege doesn’t guarantee intelligence, empathy, wisdom, diligence, or humanity. Privilege allows people without those qualities to skate through life, protected from the consequences of being dull-witted, lazy, arrogant, and inhumane. The system of privilege allows failed people to pretend to be something more."
The downside to all this for folks like Bush is that privilege doesn’t guarantee intelligence, empathy, wisdom, diligence, or humanity. Privilege allows people without those qualities to skate through life, protected from the consequences of being dull-witted, lazy, arrogant, and inhumane. The system of privilege allows failed people to pretend to be something more."
Devvy Kidd -- The Stark Reality of America's Financial Meltdown, Part 1
Devvy Kidd -- The Stark Reality of America's Financial Meltdown, Part 1: "There is no money in the U.S. Treasury. The debt is now $7,978,002,527,274.56 and accumulating interest every second of the day.
The engineered, unconstitutional invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq are costing a whopping $7 billion dollars a month. Bush wants to further drive us into poverty with a ten year commitment of $570 billion dollars. Never in my life have I seen such insanity - not even under Clinton.
How do you spend $7 billion dollars a month when there is no money in your bank account?"
The engineered, unconstitutional invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq are costing a whopping $7 billion dollars a month. Bush wants to further drive us into poverty with a ten year commitment of $570 billion dollars. Never in my life have I seen such insanity - not even under Clinton.
How do you spend $7 billion dollars a month when there is no money in your bank account?"
NYC Subway "Plot": Just Another Fake Terror Alert
NYC Subway "Plot": Just Another Fake Terror Alert: "Is it a coincidence that at the same time as this 'credible' large scale terror alert the Bush administration is under siege, with Karl Rove's legal woes accelerating and Bush's approval rating hitting a record low of 37 percent.
Rove is up to his neck and facing indictment. He now has to give further testimony to the Grand Jury investigating the CIA leak. A Watergate level cover up is in operation as not only Rove but other leading members of the Bush Administration are deeply involved.
This tactic is nothing new, we have seen countless examples of fake terror alerts and fake terror arrests since 9/11 for the purposes of distraction. We have a whole archive dedicated to the subject. The Pentagon has even admitted that it is willing to put out false information in the global media, so called 'black propaganda'.
Let's take a look at some previous examples of fake terror alerts. Here are my top five:"
Rove is up to his neck and facing indictment. He now has to give further testimony to the Grand Jury investigating the CIA leak. A Watergate level cover up is in operation as not only Rove but other leading members of the Bush Administration are deeply involved.
This tactic is nothing new, we have seen countless examples of fake terror alerts and fake terror arrests since 9/11 for the purposes of distraction. We have a whole archive dedicated to the subject. The Pentagon has even admitted that it is willing to put out false information in the global media, so called 'black propaganda'.
Let's take a look at some previous examples of fake terror alerts. Here are my top five:" - Sources: N.Y. subway threat tip a hoax - Oct 11, 2005 - Sources: N.Y. subway threat tip a hoax - Oct 11, 2005: "'We have to protect this city. We can't just sit around with your fingers crossed,' Bloomberg said. 'We have to make decisions and show leadership. And that is exactly what we have done. And if given the same situation we would do exactly the same thing.'"
This is insanity, all for the sake of the appearance of leadership, as the Zionist mayor says. Also, no mention of how the hoax conveniently coincided with the criminal in chief's fantasy war of terror.
This is insanity, all for the sake of the appearance of leadership, as the Zionist mayor says. Also, no mention of how the hoax conveniently coincided with the criminal in chief's fantasy war of terror.
Lenni Brenner: the Millions More Movement and Zionism
Lenni Brenner: the Millions More Movement and Zionism:
"'Africans must transform the anti-war movement to an anti-capitalist and anti-Zionist movement. We have no choice. If we don't bow down to Zionism we are chastised or destroyed. The Zionists tried to chastise Mandela for his support for the PLO. They control our community's politicians. Look how they work harder for Israel than for Azania/South Africa! We must properly distinguish between Judaism and Zionism. But our slogan must be King's slogan: 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.''"
Homeland security can’t even secure the White House
Kansas City Star | 10/09/2005 | Homeland security can’t even secure the White House: "It is inconceivable that an administration that seems defenseless against possible espionage and treachery seeks to be the guardian of national security for the rest of us.
As this White House aggressively polices citizens through such constitutional prohibitions as the USA Patriot Act, it has passively policed and protected itself. The consequence: a possible security breach of historic proportion.
If found guilty of charges and allegations against him, ex-Marine Leandro Aragoncillo may be the first known spy in the White House in modern times."
As this White House aggressively polices citizens through such constitutional prohibitions as the USA Patriot Act, it has passively policed and protected itself. The consequence: a possible security breach of historic proportion.
If found guilty of charges and allegations against him, ex-Marine Leandro Aragoncillo may be the first known spy in the White House in modern times."
Is This The Death Of America? - News - IS THIS THE DEATH OF AMERICA?: "With TV providing a ceaseless backdrop of the country's failings - a crippled and tone-deaf president, a negligent government, corruption, military atrocities, soaring debt, racial conflict, poverty, bloated bodies in floodwater, people dying on camera for want of food, water and medicine - it seemed things were falling apart in the land where happiness is promoted in the constitution.
Disillusioning news was everywhere. In the flight from Hurricane Rita, evacuees fought knife fights over cans of petrol. In storm-hit Louisiana there were long queues at gun stores as people armed themselves against looters.
AMERICA, which has the world's costliest health care, had, it turned out, higher infant mortality rates than the broke and despised Cuba.
Tom De Lay, Republican enforcer in the House of Representatives, was indicted for conspiracy and money laundering. The leader of the Republicans in the Senate was under investigation for his stock dealings. And Osama bin Laden was still on the loose."
Disillusioning news was everywhere. In the flight from Hurricane Rita, evacuees fought knife fights over cans of petrol. In storm-hit Louisiana there were long queues at gun stores as people armed themselves against looters.
AMERICA, which has the world's costliest health care, had, it turned out, higher infant mortality rates than the broke and despised Cuba.
Tom De Lay, Republican enforcer in the House of Representatives, was indicted for conspiracy and money laundering. The leader of the Republicans in the Senate was under investigation for his stock dealings. And Osama bin Laden was still on the loose."
New Orleans Police Brutally Beat Up on Old Black Man.
NEW ORLEANS - Two New Orleans police officers repeatedly punched a 64-year-old man accused of public intoxication, and another city officer assaulted an Associated Press Television News producer as a cameraman taped the confrontations.
We've have all seen this before: White "officers", one uncle tom, and an overseer= near death of a black citizen. Message, if you are young enough to withstand a beating, they'll tase you to death. Now, their crimes have went from beating and killing niggers, to kicking the "liberal" media's ass to boot.
Result, not a goddamn thing, of any consequence, will be done about this. Welcome to Bush's Amerikkka!
Martial Law and the Avian Flu Pandemic
Martial Law and the Avian Flu Pandemic: "The hidden agenda consists in using the threat of a pandemic and/or the plight of a natural disaster as a pretext to establish military rule, under the facade of a 'functioning democracy'.
What Bush's statements suggest is that Congress should enact legislation which will, in practice suspend Constituional government and allow the Military to intervene in civilian affairs in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. The latter, however, while still on the books, is in practice already defunct.
(Although it has no expertise in the avian flu virus, one of the major actors in the vaccine business, on contract to the Pentagon, is Bioport, a company which is part owned by the Carlyle Group, which is closely linked to the Bush Cabinet with Bush Senior on its board of directors.)
What Bush's statements suggest is that Congress should enact legislation which will, in practice suspend Constituional government and allow the Military to intervene in civilian affairs in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. The latter, however, while still on the books, is in practice already defunct.
(Although it has no expertise in the avian flu virus, one of the major actors in the vaccine business, on contract to the Pentagon, is Bioport, a company which is part owned by the Carlyle Group, which is closely linked to the Bush Cabinet with Bush Senior on its board of directors.)
Think Progress » 21 Administration Officials Involved In Plame Leak
Think Progress » 21 Administration Officials Involved In Plame Leak: "The cast of administration characters with known connections to the outing of an undercover CIA agent:
Karl Rove
I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby
Condoleezza Rice
Stephen Hadley
Andrew Card
Alberto Gonzales
Mary Matalin
Ari Fleischer
Susan Ralston
Israel Hernandez
John Hannah
Scott McClellan
Dan Bartlett
Claire Buchan
Catherine Martin
Colin Powell
Karen Hughes
Adam Levine
Bob Joseph
Vice President Dick Cheney
President George W. Bush"
Karl Rove
I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby
Condoleezza Rice
Stephen Hadley
Andrew Card
Alberto Gonzales
Mary Matalin
Ari Fleischer
Susan Ralston
Israel Hernandez
John Hannah
Scott McClellan
Dan Bartlett
Claire Buchan
Catherine Martin
Colin Powell
Karen Hughes
Adam Levine
Bob Joseph
Vice President Dick Cheney
President George W. Bush"
Troops Out Now!
Troops Out Now!
The massive turnout for the September 24 demonstration was a clear indication that the tide is turning. More and more people are opposed to the war and they are inspired to take action to bring the troops home. The challenge for the antiwar movement is to bring this new energy back to every neighborhood, workplace, and school to build a grassroots movement to end the occupation.
Next Step: December 1
The movement to build a truly massive Rosa Parks Anniversary Nationwide Strike Against Poverty, Racism and War is gaining momentum. Following the phenomenal success of the September 24 antiwar marches, the December 1 strike is a necessary next step to keep the pressure on and broaden the movement that has been reborn.
The massive turnout for the September 24 demonstration was a clear indication that the tide is turning. More and more people are opposed to the war and they are inspired to take action to bring the troops home. The challenge for the antiwar movement is to bring this new energy back to every neighborhood, workplace, and school to build a grassroots movement to end the occupation.
Next Step: December 1
The movement to build a truly massive Rosa Parks Anniversary Nationwide Strike Against Poverty, Racism and War is gaining momentum. Following the phenomenal success of the September 24 antiwar marches, the December 1 strike is a necessary next step to keep the pressure on and broaden the movement that has been reborn.
The impending Cakewalk in Iran
The impending Cakewalk in Iran: "'Top-ranking Americans have told equally top-ranking Indians in recent weeks that the US has plans to invade Iran before Bush's term ends. In 2002, a year before the US invaded Iraq, high-ranking Americans had similarly shared their definitive vision of a post-Saddam Iraq, making it clear that they would change the regime in Baghdad.' Calcutta Telegraph 9-25-05
The UN's nuclear watchdog agency, the IAEA, officially signed Iran's death-warrant yesterday. By passing a US-backed resolution that refers Iran's nuclear program to the Security Council, the member states have endorsed America's genocidal Middle East policy and paved the way for another war. Even though Tal Afar, Samara and other civilian enclaves are still under a withering attack from American forces, and even though reports of rampant prisoner abuse and torture continue to surface around Falluja, and even though increasing numbers of young Sunni men, who've been beaten and shot in the back of the head, are being fished from the Euphrates River every day; the sycophantic Euro-allies have thrown their support behind a resolution that will unavoidably lead to another war. Everyone who signed on to this treacherous pact is equally culpable of the misery it will inevitably produce."
The UN's nuclear watchdog agency, the IAEA, officially signed Iran's death-warrant yesterday. By passing a US-backed resolution that refers Iran's nuclear program to the Security Council, the member states have endorsed America's genocidal Middle East policy and paved the way for another war. Even though Tal Afar, Samara and other civilian enclaves are still under a withering attack from American forces, and even though reports of rampant prisoner abuse and torture continue to surface around Falluja, and even though increasing numbers of young Sunni men, who've been beaten and shot in the back of the head, are being fished from the Euphrates River every day; the sycophantic Euro-allies have thrown their support behind a resolution that will unavoidably lead to another war. Everyone who signed on to this treacherous pact is equally culpable of the misery it will inevitably produce."
Another Day in the Empire » Osama: Back from the Dead
Another Day in the Empire » Osama: Back from the Dead: "As we know, the real Osama, who died and his obit was published in the Egyptian newspaper al-Wafd, on December 26, 2001, claimed no responsibility for the nine eleven attacks. “I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States,” Bin Laden told Ummat Karachi, on 28th September 2001, in a report ignored by the corporate media, for obvious reasons: “I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act…. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself…. They needed an enemy.”"
Miers gave Bush 6Aug01 PDB
TOTAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS: "USA Today and the Boston Globe carried the photo labeled simply '2001,' but many other newspapers ran the picture in print or on the Web with a more precise date: Aug. 6, 2001.
Does that date sound familiar? Indeed, that was the date, a little over a month before 9/11, that President Bush was briefed on the now-famous 'PDB' that declared that Osama Bin Laden was 'determined' to attack the U.S. homeland, perhaps with hijacked planes. But does that mean that Miers had anything to do with that briefing?
Does that date sound familiar? Indeed, that was the date, a little over a month before 9/11, that President Bush was briefed on the now-famous 'PDB' that declared that Osama Bin Laden was 'determined' to attack the U.S. homeland, perhaps with hijacked planes. But does that mean that Miers had anything to do with that briefing?
BBC NEWS | Politics | Lords condemn anti-terror plans
BBC NEWS | Politics | Lords condemn anti-terror plans: "Government-proposed measures to combat terrorism have been branded 'unlawful' and 'intolerable' by senior experts.
Plans to detain suspects for up to three months and a glorifying terrorism offence were criticised by Law Lord, Lord Lloyd of Berwick and Lord Steyn.
In an interview for the BBC's Panorama, Lord Steyn, a former Law Lord, warned people's liberty was being endangered."
Plans to detain suspects for up to three months and a glorifying terrorism offence were criticised by Law Lord, Lord Lloyd of Berwick and Lord Steyn.
In an interview for the BBC's Panorama, Lord Steyn, a former Law Lord, warned people's liberty was being endangered."
Business groups: Change Patriot Act
Salt Lake Tribune - Business: "WASHINGTON - Some of the nation's most powerful business groups are splitting with the Bush administration over whether to restrict the anti-terror USA Patriot Act.
The business groups complained to Congress on Wednesday that the Patriot Act makes it too easy for the government to get confidential business records. That put them at odds with one of President Bush's top priorities - the unfettered extension of the law passed after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
In the first organized criticism of the act from the business sector, these groups endorsed amendments that would require investigators to say how the information they seek is linked to individual suspected terrorists or spies, and would allow businesses to challenge the requests in courts and to speak publicly about those requests. "
The business groups complained to Congress on Wednesday that the Patriot Act makes it too easy for the government to get confidential business records. That put them at odds with one of President Bush's top priorities - the unfettered extension of the law passed after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
In the first organized criticism of the act from the business sector, these groups endorsed amendments that would require investigators to say how the information they seek is linked to individual suspected terrorists or spies, and would allow businesses to challenge the requests in courts and to speak publicly about those requests. "
Wheels Coming Off White House As Bush-Cheney Indictments Pending
Articles, government corruption, freedom of speech, truth: "Now ABC news agents, who usually follow the neo-con party line, reported last Sunday through George Stephanopolis, “reliable sources” reveal indictments against Bush and Cheney are pending.
But even with Bush and Cheney gone, the cancer in our government remains since the entire executive, judicial and legislative branches needs to ‘picked clean’ so that fair-minded men can again take back the country.
However, it can’t be denied that Bush and Cheney are a good start and if the cat’s really finally out of the bag, let’s hope they are good “mousers,” efficient at getting all the rats out of Washington, including the Clinton’s, McCain and Kerry."
But even with Bush and Cheney gone, the cancer in our government remains since the entire executive, judicial and legislative branches needs to ‘picked clean’ so that fair-minded men can again take back the country.
However, it can’t be denied that Bush and Cheney are a good start and if the cat’s really finally out of the bag, let’s hope they are good “mousers,” efficient at getting all the rats out of Washington, including the Clinton’s, McCain and Kerry."
H.E.R.B. - Had Enough Religious Bullshit !
H.E.R.B. - Had Enough Religious Bullshit !: "I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country,
we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again
and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be!
-- Rev. Jerry Falwell
Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no
religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation
is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived
from faith.... We need believing people.
-- Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933"
we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again
and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be!
-- Rev. Jerry Falwell
Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no
religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation
is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived
from faith.... We need believing people.
-- Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933"
New CBS poll has Bush at new low
New CBS poll has Bush at new low: "WASHINGTON, Oct. 6 (UPI) -- A new CBS poll finds President Bush's job approval rating has hit a record low with only 37 percent giving him positive marks.
Related Headlines
Bush approval falls in second poll (September 1, 2005) -- In a second poll in as many days, U.S. President George Bush's public approval rating has fallen to a record low 45 percent. The results of a ... > full story
Bush at 40 percent approval in Gallup Poll (August 26, 2005) -- A new Gallup Poll show President Bush's approval rating at 40 percent -- the lowest Gallup rating of Bush's presidency. The Princeton, ... > full story
Harris Poll: Bush at 40 percent positive (August 24, 2005) -- A Harris Poll issued Wednesday showed President Bush's job approval rating at 40 percent -- the lowest it's been during his ... > full story
Bush hits new Gallup low (July 29, 2005) -- A new Gallup Poll finds 44 percent of Americans approve of President George W. Bush's job performance, a new low for Bush in the CNN/USA ... > full story
New poll suggests bad news for Bush (June 7, 2005) -- Most Americans say President Bush is ignoring major problems, focusing instead on issues of little importance to most people, a newly released poll ... > full story
The survey found Republicans continue to support the president, with almost 80 percent saying he is doing a good job. Democrats continue to disapprove."
Stupid fucking republicans just don't want to give it up.
Related Headlines
Bush approval falls in second poll (September 1, 2005) -- In a second poll in as many days, U.S. President George Bush's public approval rating has fallen to a record low 45 percent. The results of a ... > full story
Bush at 40 percent approval in Gallup Poll (August 26, 2005) -- A new Gallup Poll show President Bush's approval rating at 40 percent -- the lowest Gallup rating of Bush's presidency. The Princeton, ... > full story
Harris Poll: Bush at 40 percent positive (August 24, 2005) -- A Harris Poll issued Wednesday showed President Bush's job approval rating at 40 percent -- the lowest it's been during his ... > full story
Bush hits new Gallup low (July 29, 2005) -- A new Gallup Poll finds 44 percent of Americans approve of President George W. Bush's job performance, a new low for Bush in the CNN/USA ... > full story
New poll suggests bad news for Bush (June 7, 2005) -- Most Americans say President Bush is ignoring major problems, focusing instead on issues of little importance to most people, a newly released poll ... > full story
The survey found Republicans continue to support the president, with almost 80 percent saying he is doing a good job. Democrats continue to disapprove."
Stupid fucking republicans just don't want to give it up. | Media | BBC shies away from Bush story | Media | BBC shies away from Bush story: "However, after it appeared in most of the national newspapers, BBC Breakfast featured an item, while Radio 1, 5 Live, News 24 and BBC online also ran it.
But the BBC News website's coverage was distinctly lukewarm - running the story under the headline 'White House denies Bush God claim', rather than the press release's headline of 'God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers'.
One BBC source said: 'The denial by the White House put some programme editors off. It probably played a big part in some of their decisions not to run the story.'
The lukewarm response by other BBC outlets to a BBC News exclusive in the wake of a denial by the US government is likely to dismay the new head of television news, Peter Horrocks.
Just a few days ago he urged staff not to be afraid of being first with stories, as long as they were factually accurate.
It is perhaps inevitable that suspicions may be raised about any cautious reception to BBC stories that do not present Mr Bush in the best light following Rupert Murdoch's comments that Tony Blair had told him BBC World's coverage of Hurricane Katrina was 'just full of hate for America and gloating about our troubles'."
Tony Blair is even Rupert Murdoch's bitch!
But the BBC News website's coverage was distinctly lukewarm - running the story under the headline 'White House denies Bush God claim', rather than the press release's headline of 'God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers'.
One BBC source said: 'The denial by the White House put some programme editors off. It probably played a big part in some of their decisions not to run the story.'
The lukewarm response by other BBC outlets to a BBC News exclusive in the wake of a denial by the US government is likely to dismay the new head of television news, Peter Horrocks.
Just a few days ago he urged staff not to be afraid of being first with stories, as long as they were factually accurate.
It is perhaps inevitable that suspicions may be raised about any cautious reception to BBC stories that do not present Mr Bush in the best light following Rupert Murdoch's comments that Tony Blair had told him BBC World's coverage of Hurricane Katrina was 'just full of hate for America and gloating about our troubles'."
Tony Blair is even Rupert Murdoch's bitch!
BBC NEWS | Americas | White House denies Bush God claim
BBC NEWS | Americas | White House denies Bush God claim: "'President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan. And I did, and then God would tell me, George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq... And I did.
''And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East. And by God I'm gonna do it.''
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who attended the meeting in June 2003 too, also appears on the documentary series to recount how Mr Bush told him: 'I have a moral and religious obligation. So I will get you a Palestinian state.'"
Watch the video, where the producer of the series mentions that , the only people to mention motivation from "god" are the suicide bombers and Bush.
Imagine my shock.
''And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East. And by God I'm gonna do it.''
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who attended the meeting in June 2003 too, also appears on the documentary series to recount how Mr Bush told him: 'I have a moral and religious obligation. So I will get you a Palestinian state.'"
Watch the video, where the producer of the series mentions that , the only people to mention motivation from "god" are the suicide bombers and Bush.
Imagine my shock.
Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax: Intelligence Was Cooked in Israel
Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax: Intelligence Was Cooked in Israel: "But a deeper probe into the scandal reveals that there was good reason that the spin-meisters at the Coalition Information Center—the Washington-London civilian government propaganda unit that crafted both the Blair dossier and major portions of Secretary Powell's own lighter-than-air book of evidence—did not reveal the sources of their information. The entire cooked intelligence picture was 'Made in Israel.' It was cooked up at a right-wing think-tank complex notorious as a hotbed of radical Likudnik propaganda, and with links to the Office of Vice President Dick Cheney, via his Chief of Staff Lewis Libby and his former client, Marc Rich." - Irresistible Headlines - Woman Booted Off Flight For Anti-Bush Shirt - Irresistible Headlines - Woman Booted Off Flight For Anti-Bush Shirt: "RENO -- A Washington state woman was bounced from a Southwest Airlines flight in Reno for wearing a T-shirt with the pictures of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney and the F-word.
The shirt was a play on words taken from the movie 'Meet the Fockers.' It had the title of the movie, with the last word changed to a curse word, according to KRNV-TV in Reno."
Freedom my ass.
The shirt was a play on words taken from the movie 'Meet the Fockers.' It had the title of the movie, with the last word changed to a curse word, according to KRNV-TV in Reno."
Freedom my ass.
U.S. Newswire : Releases : "Nobel Peace Prize A Rebuke for Bush, Says Peace Action"
U.S. Newswire : Releases : "Nobel Peace Prize A Rebuke for Bush, Says Peace Action": "'While ElBaradei called them as he saw them -- supported by the facts on the ground -- regarding WMD in Iraq during the run up to the U.S. invasion, the Bush administration fixed facts to support their foregone conclusions and unilateralist ambitions. The bravery of ElBaradei in maintaining impartiality and professionalism in his mission to stem nuclear proliferation stands in stark contrast to the Bush administration's bending of intelligence to support their invasion plans,' concluded Martin."
ElBaradei, IAEA get Nobel prize
Daily Times - Site Edition: "“The award sends a very strong message: Keep doing what you are doing — be impartial and that is what we intend to do,” he told press in Vienna. reuters"
These are the people the Bush crime family tried to get fired for not rubber stamping their criminal conspiracy known as the "War on Terror".
Gotta love it!
These are the people the Bush crime family tried to get fired for not rubber stamping their criminal conspiracy known as the "War on Terror".
Gotta love it!
Text of Gore Speech at Media Conference
BREITBART.COM - Just The News: "The final point I want to make is this: We must ensure that the Internet remains open and accessible to all citizens without any limitation on the ability of individuals to choose the content they wish regardless of the Internet service provider they use to connect to the Worldwide Web. We cannot take this future for granted. We must be prepared to fight for it because some of the same forces of corporate consolidation and control that have distorted the television marketplace have an interest in controlling the Internet marketplace as well. Far too much is at stake to ever allow that to happen.
We must ensure by all means possible that this medium of democracy's future develops in the mold of the open and free marketplace of ideas that our Founders knew was essential to the health and survival of freedom."
We must ensure by all means possible that this medium of democracy's future develops in the mold of the open and free marketplace of ideas that our Founders knew was essential to the health and survival of freedom."
The USA has a long history of human experimentation from the beginning of the 20th century.
The USA has a long history of human experimentation from the beginning of the 20th century.: "'The United States has a long history of experimentation,
on unwitting human subjects, which goes back to the
beginning of this century. Both private firms and the military
have used unknowing human populations to test various
theories. However, the extent to which human experimentation
has been a part of the U.S. Biological Weapons programs will
probably never be known. The following examples are taken
from information declassified in 1977, and from other private
source accounts. Several involve incidents which are still
of unknown origins and which cannot be fully explained.'"
on unwitting human subjects, which goes back to the
beginning of this century. Both private firms and the military
have used unknowing human populations to test various
theories. However, the extent to which human experimentation
has been a part of the U.S. Biological Weapons programs will
probably never be known. The following examples are taken
from information declassified in 1977, and from other private
source accounts. Several involve incidents which are still
of unknown origins and which cannot be fully explained.'"
Another Day in the Empire » Clueless Americans on Democracy
Another Day in the Empire » Clueless Americans on Democracy: "Bush and crew have no intention of “installing democracy” in Iraq and it is amazing large numbers of Americans believe this, especially after scads of evidence to the contrary.
As a cursory examination of history reveals, the United States government and military have never been in the business of “installing democracy” and in fact have consistently strived for the exact opposite.
Since the end of World War 2, the United States has used military intervention in over 70 nations—and not for the sake of freedom and democracy (see William Blum’s A Brief History of U.S. Interventions:1945 to the Present)."
As a cursory examination of history reveals, the United States government and military have never been in the business of “installing democracy” and in fact have consistently strived for the exact opposite.
Since the end of World War 2, the United States has used military intervention in over 70 nations—and not for the sake of freedom and democracy (see William Blum’s A Brief History of U.S. Interventions:1945 to the Present)."
U.S. eight years behind on rent for embassy
The Japan Times Online: "The United States hasn't paid the rent for its embassy in Tokyo since 1998, according to a government document released by the Cabinet on Friday.
The document was produced in response to questions submitted by Social Democratic Party lawmaker Kantoku Teruya of the House of Representatives on Sept. 21."
The document was produced in response to questions submitted by Social Democratic Party lawmaker Kantoku Teruya of the House of Representatives on Sept. 21."
The Insider - Israel instructs America to attack Iran and Syria
The Insider - Israel instructs America to attack Iran and Syria: "Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon met with US congressmen yesterday to discuss which countries America should invade next.
Apparently still unaware that Iraq disarmed after the 1991 Gulf War under diplomatic pressure from the UN, Sharon stated that 'Iran, Libya and Syria should be stripped of weapons of mass destruction after Iraq.'"
Apparently still unaware that Iraq disarmed after the 1991 Gulf War under diplomatic pressure from the UN, Sharon stated that 'Iran, Libya and Syria should be stripped of weapons of mass destruction after Iraq.'"
Bush Is Cooking Up Two More Wars by Paul Craig Roberts
Bush Is Cooking Up Two More Wars by Paul Craig Roberts: "By bullying the 35 members of the IAEA, the Bush administration last week managed to get 22 votes that could lead to the referral of Iran to the UN Security Council. The Bush administration will now lobby for the referral. Once it has the referral, even if the Security Council does not act on it, the Bush administration can use it as an excuse to attack Iran. The Bush administration knows that few Americans have any knowledge of international law and procedures and will simply believe whatever President Bush says. The highly concentrated US media is a proven walkover for the war-mongering Bush administration."
Christianity and the Demise of America
Christianity and the Demise of America: "During the journey from childhood to manhood, I have often contemplated the role of Christianity in the path that America was taking. Let me state clearly that in my humble opinion organized religion has nothing to do with real Christianity—I mean the actual teachings of Christ. Through a spectacular failure of courage and a will to be accepted into the mainstream of corporate America, the example of Jesus Christ has been trivialized and blasphemed by its chief practioneers. The church has allowed itself to become so prostituted that it bears little resemblance to the radical teachings of Christ of Nazareth. It has allowed itself not only to be marginalized by corporate America—it has become an apologist, an enabler, for the corporate state and all it represents."
Mike Whitney: Apartheid Justice in America
Mike Whitney: Apartheid Justice in America: "The ongoing imprisonment of Jose Padilla shows that that shield has been removed and replaced with an apartheid-system that operates capriciously and without set standards. The president now has full-authority to rescind the constitution at will and declare any man an enemy combatant at his own discretion. There can be no justice when the fate of men like Padilla depends on the subjective judgment of one man alone."
Paul Craig Roberts: America is Running Out of Time
Paul Craig Roberts: America is Running Out of Time: "The Iraqi war has three beneficiaries: (1) al Qaeda, (2) Iran and (3) US war industries and Bush-Cheney cronies who receive no-bid contracts.
Everyone else is a loser.
The war has bestowed on al Qaeda recruits, prestige, and a training ground.
The war has allied Iran with Iraq's Shi'ite majority.
The war has brought soaring profits to the military industries and the firms with reconstruction contracts at the expense of 20,000 US military casualties and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilian casualties.
The Republican Party is a loser, because its hidebound support for the war is isolating the party from public opinion.
The Democratic Party is a loser, because its cowardly acquiescence in a war that is opposed by the majority of its members is making the party irrelevant."
Everyone else is a loser.
The war has bestowed on al Qaeda recruits, prestige, and a training ground.
The war has allied Iran with Iraq's Shi'ite majority.
The war has brought soaring profits to the military industries and the firms with reconstruction contracts at the expense of 20,000 US military casualties and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilian casualties.
The Republican Party is a loser, because its hidebound support for the war is isolating the party from public opinion.
The Democratic Party is a loser, because its cowardly acquiescence in a war that is opposed by the majority of its members is making the party irrelevant."
Man who died in custody had multiple Taser injuries | Man who died in custody had multiple Taser injuries: "Wednesday, September 28, 2005
The man who died Monday after a scuffle with Austin police officers was identified Tuesday as 33-year-old Michael Clark.
Clark, who was black, was a married father of a 3-year-old boy. He was the second person this year to die after Austin officers used force.
Since 1998, all but one of the 14 people who died while or after Austin police officers used force on them were minorities."
The man who died Monday after a scuffle with Austin police officers was identified Tuesday as 33-year-old Michael Clark.
Clark, who was black, was a married father of a 3-year-old boy. He was the second person this year to die after Austin officers used force.
Since 1998, all but one of the 14 people who died while or after Austin police officers used force on them were minorities."
FOX Carolina The Ten O'Clock News Charges Against Teen Upgraded After Dog He Allegedly Raped Dies
FOX Carolina The Ten O'Clock News Charges Against Teen Upgraded After Dog He Allegedly Raped Dies: "SPARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA (FOX Carolina News) - A Campobello teen is accused of raping one neighbor's dog and another neighbor's two little girls. Now the dog has died and charges against the teen have been upgraded.
After receiving word that the dog died possibly because of the rape. Fox Carolina called the Solicitor's office to see if now new charges would be filed against the teen. An hour later Solicitor Trey Gowdy called to say that the charges will be upgraded to the 'most serious animal cruelty charges they have on the books.'"
2.He RAPED a FEMALE PIT BULL, not just any dog. He is crazy just for pulling his wanker out around a pit bull.
3.The charges were not upped because of the 3 small girls he raped, but only after the DOG died? WTF?
After receiving word that the dog died possibly because of the rape. Fox Carolina called the Solicitor's office to see if now new charges would be filed against the teen. An hour later Solicitor Trey Gowdy called to say that the charges will be upgraded to the 'most serious animal cruelty charges they have on the books.'"
2.He RAPED a FEMALE PIT BULL, not just any dog. He is crazy just for pulling his wanker out around a pit bull.
3.The charges were not upped because of the 3 small girls he raped, but only after the DOG died? WTF?
Chavez Backpedals From Recent Remarks - Yahoo! News
Chavez Backpedals From Recent Remarks - Yahoo! News: "He acknowledged that he has occasionally 'gone too far with words' when responding to U.S. officials who criticize his government, and he said his criticism of the Bush administration has sometimes been misunderstood as attacks against the American public.
'I love the people of the United States,' he said.
In reference to the U.S.-led war in
Iraq, Chavez said it was justifiable for people in an invaded country to defend themselves.
'The true war we ask for is the war against poverty and misery,' he said to rousing applause.
Two days earlier, Chavez harshly criticized
President Bush in front of a
United Nations summit for waging war in Iraq without U.N. consent.
Chavez also criticized U.N. reforms Saturday, saying they would permit powerful countries to invade developing ones whose leaders are considered a threat.
In a speech earlier Saturday that was broadcast on state-run television in Venezuela, Chavez said the document adopted at a U.N. summit Friday was developed without consensus and was 'invalid and illegal.'
He singled out a section of the document creating a Peacebuilding Commission that outlines a 'responsibility to protect.' He called it suspicious, saying 'tomorrow or sometime in the future, someone in Washington will say that the Venezuelan people need to be protected from the tyrant Chavez, who is a threat.'"
'I love the people of the United States,' he said.
In reference to the U.S.-led war in
Iraq, Chavez said it was justifiable for people in an invaded country to defend themselves.
'The true war we ask for is the war against poverty and misery,' he said to rousing applause.
Two days earlier, Chavez harshly criticized
President Bush in front of a
United Nations summit for waging war in Iraq without U.N. consent.
Chavez also criticized U.N. reforms Saturday, saying they would permit powerful countries to invade developing ones whose leaders are considered a threat.
In a speech earlier Saturday that was broadcast on state-run television in Venezuela, Chavez said the document adopted at a U.N. summit Friday was developed without consensus and was 'invalid and illegal.'
He singled out a section of the document creating a Peacebuilding Commission that outlines a 'responsibility to protect.' He called it suspicious, saying 'tomorrow or sometime in the future, someone in Washington will say that the Venezuelan people need to be protected from the tyrant Chavez, who is a threat.'"
Chavez: U.S. Plans to Invade Venezuela - Yahoo! News
Chavez: U.S. Plans to Invade Venezuela - Yahoo! News: "He added: 'We are coming up with the counter-Balboa plan. That is to say if the government of the United States attempts to commit the foolhardy enterprise of attacking us, it would be embarked on a 100-year war. We are prepared.'"
Powell admits his Iraq WMD claim is 'painful blot', but still kisses ass in shame.
Telegraph | News | Powell admits his Iraq WMD claim is 'painful blot': "Asked whether he had put loyalty to the president above his own judgment, Mr Powell said he had not: 'Loyalty is a trait that I value and yes, I am loyal. And there are some who say, 'Well, you shouldn't have supported it. You should have resigned'. But I'm glad that Saddam is gone. I'm glad that that regime is gone.'"
What a piece of shit degenerate. He still can't bring himself to grow a pair. Blaming underlings, when he is a god damn "General". "Who would have knew what the war would be like?". You asshole, millions od demonstrators around the whole tried to tell your dumb uncle tom ass that you were a tool, and were being used to open the gates of hell, you fucking bitch.
I apologize to all female dogs who may be offended.
What a piece of shit degenerate. He still can't bring himself to grow a pair. Blaming underlings, when he is a god damn "General". "Who would have knew what the war would be like?". You asshole, millions od demonstrators around the whole tried to tell your dumb uncle tom ass that you were a tool, and were being used to open the gates of hell, you fucking bitch.
I apologize to all female dogs who may be offended.
Physician who told Cheney to go F*ck Himself Lost his Home in Katrina, Detained, Cuffed by Cheney's M-16-carrying Goons
OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion: "As he stood about 10 feet away from Cheney and his friend and some camera operators from CNN and other media filmed the scene, Marble suddenly yelled, 'Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney! Go fuck yourself, you asshole!'
Hey, at least Marble was polite. After all, he referred to Cheney as “Mr. Cheney.”
'I had no intention of harming anyone but merely wanted to echo Mr. Cheney's infamous words back at him,' Marble wrote. 'At that moment, I noticed the Secret Service guys with a panic-stricken look on their faces, like they were about to tackle me, so I calmly walked away back to my former house.'
His friend videotaped a little bit longer and then came back to Marble’s house. As they were salvaging a few things from Marble's home, two military police waving M-16's showed up and said they were looking
for someone who fit Marble's description who had cursed at Cheney.
'I told them I was probably the person they were looking for, and so they put me in handcuffs and 'detained' me for about 20 minutes or so,' Marble wrote. 'My right thumb went numb because the cuffs were on so tight, but they were fairly courteous and eventually released me after getting all my contact info. They said I had NOT broken any laws so I was free to go.'
So let’s get this straight: A physician with a newborn baby loses most everything he owns in the hurricane, does what most of us WANT to do and “echoes” Cheney’s words he spoke on the Senate floor last year, walks away harmlessly, mission accomplished, and then once the media cameras leave, he is treated like a foreign terrorist as Cheney’s goons waving M-16s handcuff him in front of his destroyed home? Had it not been for the media cameras filming the initial scene, I doubt Cheney’s goons would have just let Marble go after 20 minutes.
America, land of the free?"
Hey, at least Marble was polite. After all, he referred to Cheney as “Mr. Cheney.”
'I had no intention of harming anyone but merely wanted to echo Mr. Cheney's infamous words back at him,' Marble wrote. 'At that moment, I noticed the Secret Service guys with a panic-stricken look on their faces, like they were about to tackle me, so I calmly walked away back to my former house.'
His friend videotaped a little bit longer and then came back to Marble’s house. As they were salvaging a few things from Marble's home, two military police waving M-16's showed up and said they were looking
for someone who fit Marble's description who had cursed at Cheney.
'I told them I was probably the person they were looking for, and so they put me in handcuffs and 'detained' me for about 20 minutes or so,' Marble wrote. 'My right thumb went numb because the cuffs were on so tight, but they were fairly courteous and eventually released me after getting all my contact info. They said I had NOT broken any laws so I was free to go.'
So let’s get this straight: A physician with a newborn baby loses most everything he owns in the hurricane, does what most of us WANT to do and “echoes” Cheney’s words he spoke on the Senate floor last year, walks away harmlessly, mission accomplished, and then once the media cameras leave, he is treated like a foreign terrorist as Cheney’s goons waving M-16s handcuff him in front of his destroyed home? Had it not been for the media cameras filming the initial scene, I doubt Cheney’s goons would have just let Marble go after 20 minutes.
America, land of the free?"
The Raw Story | Republicans block efforts to amend relief bill, hold vote without providing copy of bill
The Raw Story | Republicans block efforts to amend relief bill, hold vote without providing copy of bill: "'It is this very lack of accountability in government which ensured that our disaster response would be a bigger disaster than the hurricane itself. Yet here they go again, completely unfazed in their determination to eliminate debate, consideration and accountability from the Congress and the Federal government. No one has even seen a copy of the bill.'"
$51.8 billion for Haliburton, that is why no one was allowed to see the damn bill, duh!
$51.8 billion for Haliburton, that is why no one was allowed to see the damn bill, duh!
AlterNet: It's Accountability Time
AlterNet: It's Accountability Time: "Each and every one of us must ask ourselves whether are we happy with the people we have currently empowered to represent us. If the answer is no, then we must make sure that in the coming year we do everything in our power to identify those who have failed us, Republican and Democrat alike, and replace them with those who represent the will of the people, and not the will of special interests. If we fail to act, and America is once again struck by a calamity, whether it be an act of God here at home, or an act of illegitimate aggression abroad, we will have only ourselves to blame."
Is This a civilized society?
Is This a civilized society?: "Ravaged by Katrina, their corpses are left to feed rats and starving dogs.
Thousands of U.S. troops and government employees in New Orleans and each one is avoiding their responsibility to remove people and treat them with the respect they deserve."
Thousands of U.S. troops and government employees in New Orleans and each one is avoiding their responsibility to remove people and treat them with the respect they deserve."
Constitution, Freedom, WHERE?
: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal appeals court ruled on Friday that U.S. President George W. Bush has the power to detain Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen who has been held for more than three years as a suspected enemy combatant without any charges being brought against him.
'The exceedingly important question before us is whether the president of the United States possesses the authority to detain militarily a citizen of this country who is closely associated with al Qaeda,' appeals court Judge J. Michael Luttig wrote for the three-judge panel.
'We conclude that the president does possess such authority,' said Luttig, a conservative who has been under consideration by the Bush administration for a possible Supreme Court nomination."
Emphasis on the obvious added.
'The exceedingly important question before us is whether the president of the United States possesses the authority to detain militarily a citizen of this country who is closely associated with al Qaeda,' appeals court Judge J. Michael Luttig wrote for the three-judge panel.
'We conclude that the president does possess such authority,' said Luttig, a conservative who has been under consideration by the Bush administration for a possible Supreme Court nomination."
Emphasis on the obvious added.
Bush lifts wage rules for Katrina, brings back slavery.
Bush lifts wage rules for Katrina: "09/09/05 -- WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush issued an executive order Thursday allowing federal contractors rebuilding in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to pay below the prevailing wage.
In a notice to Congress, Bush said the hurricane had caused 'a national emergency' that permits him to take such action under the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act in ravaged areas of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi.
The Davis-Bacon law requires federal contractors to pay workers at least the prevailing wages in the area where the work is conducted. It applies to federally funded construction projects such as highways and bridges.
Bush's executive order suspends the requirements of the Davis-Bacon law for designated areas hit by the storm. "
In a notice to Congress, Bush said the hurricane had caused 'a national emergency' that permits him to take such action under the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act in ravaged areas of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi.
The Davis-Bacon law requires federal contractors to pay workers at least the prevailing wages in the area where the work is conducted. It applies to federally funded construction projects such as highways and bridges.
Bush's executive order suspends the requirements of the Davis-Bacon law for designated areas hit by the storm. "
U.S. Military Tube-Feeds 13 Gitmo Strikers - Yahoo! News
U.S. Military Tube-Feeds 13 Gitmo Strikers - Yahoo! News: "British lawyer Clive Stafford-Smith, who represents one of the hunger strikers — Briton Omar Deghayes, 36 — warned Friday that some of the inmates were willing to starve themselves to death.
'People are desperate. They have been there three years. They were promised that the Geneva Conventions would be respected and various changes would happen and, unfortunately, the (U.S.) government reneged on that,' Stafford-Smith said."
'People are desperate. They have been there three years. They were promised that the Geneva Conventions would be respected and various changes would happen and, unfortunately, the (U.S.) government reneged on that,' Stafford-Smith said."
Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor - Yahoo! News
Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor - Yahoo! News: "Barbara Bush's son put his arm around the addled FEMA functionary and declared, 'Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job.'
Like mother, like son.
Even when a hurricane hits, the apple does not fall far from the tree."
Like mother, like son.
Even when a hurricane hits, the apple does not fall far from the tree."
Refugees from New Orleans behind barbed wire in Utah
Unknown News: "Utah's Governor Jon Huntsman has taken in some of the New Orleans refugees, at Camp Williams. Replete with barbed wire, armed soldiers with weapons at ready, police and sheriff with weapons at ready, and hell, they must surely feel right at home. In America yet. What bullshit! "
Police Stun 12-Year-Old Girl For Arguing, Then Laugh at Her
Police Stun 12-Year-Old Girl For Arguing, Then Laugh at Her: "Cynthia Harris says Rakesha argued with another student, refused to go to detention, talked back to administrators, and then after 30 minutes of arguing with police got stunned.
'They did it out in the public in the school where other kids came around. She (Rakesha) said they were laughing,' said Harris.
According to the 12-year-old's account, once threatened with being stunned she begged the officers to take her to ISS but was told it was too late."
'They did it out in the public in the school where other kids came around. She (Rakesha) said they were laughing,' said Harris.
According to the 12-year-old's account, once threatened with being stunned she begged the officers to take her to ISS but was told it was too late."
Bush book: Chapter -3- Eugenics
Bush book: Chapter -3-: "Meanwhile, the International Planned Parenthood Federation was founded in London, in the offices of the British Eugenics Society.
The undead enemy from World War II, renamed `` Population Control, '' had now been revived.
George Bush was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 1972, when with prodding from Bush and his friends, the U.S. Agency for International Development first made an official contract with the old Sterilization League of America. The League had changed its name twice again, and was now called the `` Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception. '' The U.S. government began paying the old fascist group to sterilize non-whites in foreign countries.
The Gray family experiment had succeeded.
In 1988, the U.S. Agency for International Development signed its latest contract with the old Sterilization League (a.k.a. Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception), committing the U.S. government to spend $80 million over five years.
Having gotten away with sterilizing several hundred North Carolina school children, `` not usually less than eight to ten years old, '' the identical group is now authorized by President Bush to do it to 58 countries in Asia, Africa and Ibero-America. The group modestly claims it has directly sterilized `` only '' two million people, with 87 percent of the bill paid by U.S. taxpayers.
Meanwhile, Dr. Clarence Gamble, Boyden Gray's favorite soap manufacturer, formed his own `` Pathfinder Fund '' as a split-off from the Sterilization League. Gamble's Pathfinder Fund, with additional millions from USAID, concentrates on penetration of local social groups in the non-white countries, to break down psychological resistance to the surgical sterilization teams."
Oh, its absurd to think that the Bush crime family are nazis....really?
The undead enemy from World War II, renamed `` Population Control, '' had now been revived.
George Bush was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 1972, when with prodding from Bush and his friends, the U.S. Agency for International Development first made an official contract with the old Sterilization League of America. The League had changed its name twice again, and was now called the `` Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception. '' The U.S. government began paying the old fascist group to sterilize non-whites in foreign countries.
The Gray family experiment had succeeded.
In 1988, the U.S. Agency for International Development signed its latest contract with the old Sterilization League (a.k.a. Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception), committing the U.S. government to spend $80 million over five years.
Having gotten away with sterilizing several hundred North Carolina school children, `` not usually less than eight to ten years old, '' the identical group is now authorized by President Bush to do it to 58 countries in Asia, Africa and Ibero-America. The group modestly claims it has directly sterilized `` only '' two million people, with 87 percent of the bill paid by U.S. taxpayers.
Meanwhile, Dr. Clarence Gamble, Boyden Gray's favorite soap manufacturer, formed his own `` Pathfinder Fund '' as a split-off from the Sterilization League. Gamble's Pathfinder Fund, with additional millions from USAID, concentrates on penetration of local social groups in the non-white countries, to break down psychological resistance to the surgical sterilization teams."
Oh, its absurd to think that the Bush crime family are nazis....really?
BELLACIAO - Pattern Emerges in Katrina Lack of Response Stories - Mainstream Media Compilation - Collective Bellaciao
BELLACIAO - Pattern Emerges in Katrina Lack of Response Stories - Mainstream Media Compilation - Collective Bellaciao: "Reading the news after the Katrina Hurricane
and the lack-of-response disaster,
a pattern began to emerge.
and the lack-of-response disaster,
a pattern began to emerge.
No one ever anticipated the criminal negligence of the Bush administration in the situation
This man called Bush has a lot to
answer for.. I don't know if he's taking care of the US
If they'd been white people, the government would have used every means in trying to help these people"
No one ever anticipated the criminal negligence of the Bush administration in the situation
This man called Bush has a lot to
answer for.. I don't know if he's taking care of the US
If they'd been white people, the government would have used every means in trying to help these people"
Government Intervention in Stock Market is Detailed by New Report, GATA Says
In such a system, individuals and firms have the right to own and use wealth to earn income and to sell and purchase labor for wages with little or no government control. The function of regulating the economy is then achieved mainly through the operation of market forces where prices and profit dictate where and how resources are used and allocated. The U.S. is a capitalistic system.
Government Intervention in Stock Market is Detailed by New Report, GATA Says: "U.S. government has intervened to support the stock market so many times that 'what apparently started as a stopgap measure may have morphed into a serious moral hazard situation, with market manipulation an endemic feature of the U.S. stock market.'"
So, basically, this is NOT a democracy, NOT a republic, and NOT a capitalistic system.
A pyramid scheme is initiated by an individual or a company that starts recruiting investors with an offer of guaranteed high returns. As the scheme begins the earliest investors do receive a high rate of return, paid for by the new recruits' funds - not a return on any real investment. The pyramid's liabilities, from the day the scam is initiated, exceed its assets because it cannot generate wealth any other way than promising extraordinary returns to new recruits and paying these returns by getting additional investors. Invariably these schemes lose steam and the pyramid collapses.
Thus the ongoing running national debt. This is an illegal operation, so there is no law and order. This is a criminal regime. Conspiracy Theory? Look up the word conspiracy some time.
In such a system, individuals and firms have the right to own and use wealth to earn income and to sell and purchase labor for wages with little or no government control. The function of regulating the economy is then achieved mainly through the operation of market forces where prices and profit dictate where and how resources are used and allocated. The U.S. is a capitalistic system.
Government Intervention in Stock Market is Detailed by New Report, GATA Says: "U.S. government has intervened to support the stock market so many times that 'what apparently started as a stopgap measure may have morphed into a serious moral hazard situation, with market manipulation an endemic feature of the U.S. stock market.'"
So, basically, this is NOT a democracy, NOT a republic, and NOT a capitalistic system.
A pyramid scheme is initiated by an individual or a company that starts recruiting investors with an offer of guaranteed high returns. As the scheme begins the earliest investors do receive a high rate of return, paid for by the new recruits' funds - not a return on any real investment. The pyramid's liabilities, from the day the scam is initiated, exceed its assets because it cannot generate wealth any other way than promising extraordinary returns to new recruits and paying these returns by getting additional investors. Invariably these schemes lose steam and the pyramid collapses.
Thus the ongoing running national debt. This is an illegal operation, so there is no law and order. This is a criminal regime. Conspiracy Theory? Look up the word conspiracy some time.
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