
Refugees from New Orleans behind barbed wire in Utah

Unknown News: "Utah's Governor Jon Huntsman has taken in some of the New Orleans refugees, at Camp Williams. Replete with barbed wire, armed soldiers with weapons at ready, police and sheriff with weapons at ready, and hell, they must surely feel right at home. In America yet. What bullshit! "


  1. I found you via Kurt's blog-you have quite a blog here.

    This is part of what I find so horrifying-you would think that a story like this would get out and there would be mass outrage. You'd think that the actual prison system in place would generate outrage-nothing. Evacuees treated as criminals, children (and adults for that matter) being tasered- the number of people in prison over non-violent offenses (mostly drug crimes)and then, silence. I swear, you'd get more of a reaction from people over who wins some bloody reality television show than over violence being carried out against fellow citisens by those charged with "protecting" us.

    Yeah, it's bullshit alright.

    You have an excellent blog-let me know if you'd like a link at mine-I'd be happy to send people here.

  2. Thank you for your compliments. Please, by all means, link me to your site, I'll do the same. Anything to get the message out to people, as our media is very tepid.
