
Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The term fascism has come to mean any system of government resembling Mussolini's, that in various combinations:

  1. exalts the nation, (and sometimes the race or culture) above the individual, with the state apparatus being supreme.
  2. stresses loyalty to a single leader.
  3. uses violence and modern techniques of propaganda and censorship to forcibly suppress political opposition.
  4. engages in severe economic and social regimentation.
  5. engages in syndicalist corporatism.
  6. implements totalitarian systems.

"Corporations have been enthroned . . . An era of corruption in high places will follow and the money power will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people . . . until wealth is aggregated in a few hands . . . and the Republic is destroyed." President Abraham Lincoln

"This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer. It is a government of corporations, by corporations, and for corporations." Rutherford B. Hayes, U.S President, 1876-1880

"The halls of legislation were transformed into a mart where the price of votes was haggled over, and laws, made to order, were bought and sold." -Mathew Josephson, in The Robber Barons

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic State itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism. Ownership of government by an individual, by a group or by any controlling private power." President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

I keep thinking of Mussolini's definition of fascism: "Fascism should more properly be called 'corporatism,' since it is the marriage of government and corporate power." When was the last time we saw this administration do something that involved standing up to some corporate special interest in favor of the great majority of the people." Molly Ivins

broadband » News » Limewire Shutting Down? - Grokster impact hearing tomorrow

broadband » News » Limewire Shutting Down? - Grokster impact hearing tomorrow:
"RadicalRuss from Daily Kos sums it up PERFECTLY

'Shoot someone? Not Smith & Wesson's fault. Copy a movie? Grokster's fault.
by RadicalRuss
Tue Jul 26th, 2005 at 18:06:00 PDT

WARNING: Severe Cognitive Dissonance Ahead!

Hollywood wins Internet piracy battle

The U.S. Supreme Court rules against file-sharing service Grokster in a closely watched piracy case.

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled [last month] that software companies can be held liable for copyright infringement when individuals use their technology to download songs and movies illegally.

RadicalRuss's diary :: ::

[Hollywood's] victory [last month]... dealt a big blow to technology companies, which claim that holding them accountable for the illegal downloading of songs, movies, video games and other proprietary products would stifle their ability to develop new products.

'We hold that one who distributes a device with the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright, as shown by clear expression or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties,' Justice Souter wrote.

Wait for it... wait for it...

Senate Moves to Shield Gun Industry

WASHINGTON - Senate Republicans on Tuesday moved the National Rifle Association's top priority ahead of a $491 billion defense bill, setting up a vote on legislation to shield firearms manufacturers and dealers from lawsuits over gun crimes.

'The president believes that the manufacturer of a legal product should not be held liable for the criminal misuse of that product by others,' said White House spokesman Scott McClellan. 'We look at it from a standpoint of stopping lawsuit abuse.'

The bill would prohibit lawsuits against the firearms industry for damages resulting form the unlawful use of a firearm or ammunition.

Republicans, straight fucking hypocrites.


Terrorism: America Defines Its Targets

CounterPunch: "America's Best Political Newsletter": "The US definitions of terrorism become more problematic when we use them to judge the conduct of successive US governments. The United States has frequently employed violent actions against civilians ­ at home and abroad ­ which under its own definitions would have to be described as terrorism.[3] Indeed, in an objective evaluation of global terrorism over the past two centuries, a panel of the world's leading ethicists might well conclude that the United States easily belongs in the category of the worst offenders. Of course, Germany, Britain, France, Spain, Belgium, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Japan would also be jostling for the top positions on this list. If Iraq under Saddam appeared on this list at all, it might just win a place very close to the bottom."


Fake al-Qaeda Claims Responsibility for Fake Bombings

Another Day in the Empire: "It appears the “terrorists” who “failed to detonate bombs” yesterday did so because they didn’t want to wreck more expensive mass transit machinery. In other words, the real “terrorists” (not the Stepford Muslim pasties) work for the state and there is no sense destroying more stuff unless absolutely necessary, especially considering how this would negatively impact the stockholders of Metronet (a consortium of corporations). Government knows what side of its bread gets the butter. So it is off to al-Qaeda fairyland again with fallacious “internet statements” and the like. You’d think people would simply refuse to put up with this nonsense anymore. You’d think they’d throw open the windows and scream, like Howard Beale, they’re not going to take it anymore. Instead, there is a deafening silence, or at best an outraged murmur growing in the background."


Pepper Computer - Home

Pepper Computer - Home: "That device is here. Say hello to the Pepper Pad. The Pad represents an entirely new category of wireless device-bigger and more powerful than a PDA or mobile phone, but smaller, lighter and far less complex (and a lot more fun) than a laptop."

Now this looks like something I have to have!

This is Why:


* Mozilla-based browser, making the Pepper Pad both virus- and hacker-resistant


London mayor says West fueled Islamic radicalism - Yahoo! News

London mayor says West fueled Islamic radicalism - Yahoo! News: "'You've just had 80 years of Western intervention into predominantly Arab lands because of a Western need for oil. We've propped up unsavory governments, we've overthrown ones that we didn't consider sympathetic,' Livingstone said.

'I think the particular problem we have at the moment is that in the 1980s ... the Americans recruited and trained Osama bin Laden, taught him how to kill, to make bombs, and set him off to kill the Russians to drive them out of

'They didn't give any thought to the fact that once he'd done that, he might turn on his creators,' he told BBC radio."

Police Agency Alleges Taser Company Misled About Safety of Stuns

Police Agency Alleges Taser Company Misled About Safety of Stuns: "One day after a West Palm Beach, Fla., police officer using a Taser gun shot a man, who later died, a Boca Raton, Fla., law firm filed a national class action suit alleging that police departments have been misled about the device's safety."

More than likely that was/is the case. Companies lie about their products to make $$$, DUH!

Still does not explain why disproportionately non-whites are the ones being tased to DEATH. If the company tells you that one 50,000 volt shock is good enough for a cow, and only tase the suspect again after 10 seconds, and you being a racists pro-Bush brownshirt, hold the taser to peoples (numerous children under 15 years old) chest, neck, and stomaches, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN?

FBI Keeping Lengthy Files on Groups Opposed to Bush's Policies - Yahoo! News

FBI Keeping Lengthy Files on Groups Opposed to Bush's Policies - Yahoo! News: "''We now know that the government is keeping documents about the ACLU and other peaceful groups,'' said Anthony Romero, the ACLU's executive director. ''The question is why.''

The ACLU, in court documents, has contended that joint terrorism task forces set up across the country and led by the FBI are structured and funded in ways that facilitate violations of groups' and individuals' rights to assemble and speak freely.

The organization said it filed its FOIA requests in response to widespread complaints from students and political activists who said FBI agents were questioning them in the months leading up to the 2004 political conventions."


"'The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed -- where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.' -- Justice Alex Kozinski, US 9th Circuit Court, 2003"


t r u t h o u t - Waxman: Bush Statement on Rove Conflicts with Executive Order

t r u t h o u t - Waxman: Bush Statement on Rove Conflicts with Executive Order: "Under the executive order, you may not wait until criminal intent and liability are proved by a prosecutor. Instead, you have an affirmative obligation to take 'appropriate and prompt corrective action.' [5] And the standards of proof are much different. A criminal violation of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, which Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald is investigating, requires a finding that Mr. Rove 'intentionally disclose[d]' the identity of a covert agent. [6] In contrast, the administrative sanctions under Executive Order 12958 can be imposed without a finding of intent. Under the express terms of the executive order, you are required to impose administrative sanctions - such as removal of office or termination of security clearance - if Mr. Rove or other officials acted 'negligently' in disclosing or confirming information about Ms. Wilson's identity. [7]"

BBC NEWS | Politics | 'No internal inquiry' into blasts

BBC NEWS | Politics | 'No internal inquiry' into blasts: "He said 'now is not the time' for an inquiry, but for a decision on what legal steps were needed against terror."

Reminds me of how Bush and Cheney did not want an investigation into 9/11, nor did they want a commission. Once they could not avoid inquiry, they testified TOGETHER OFF THE RECORD.

These guys don't even try to pretend innocence.

Herald Sun: Suicide theory thrown in doubt [18jul05]

Herald Sun: Suicide theory thrown in doubt [18jul05]: "BRITISH police are considering the possibility that the four key suspects in last week's London attacks may have been tricked into setting off their bombs, a British newspaper has reported."

"We do not have hard evidence that the men were suicide bombers," a Scotland Yard spokesman told The Sunday Telegraph.

"It is possible that they did not intend to die."

Ebonics suggested for district

San Bernardino County Sun - News: "'Ebonics is a different language, it's not slang as many believe,' Texeira said. 'For many of these students Ebonics is their language, and it should be considered a foreign language. These students should be taught like other students who speak a foreign language.'

Texeira said research has shown that students learn better when they fully comprehend the language they are being taught in."

So now, American African children are a bunch of dumbasses who can't understand their native tongue. So much so, they need special education? Shit like this just really gets my blood hot.

Reuters AlertNet - London bomber made one-day Israel visit - official

Reuters AlertNet - London bomber made one-day Israel visit - official: "JERUSALEM, July 18 (Reuters) - One of the suspected bombers in the London attacks visited Israel for one day in 2003, an Israeli official said on Monday, bolstering a news report the British-born Muslim helped plan a Tel Aviv suicide bombing."

Now, couple this with Israeli foreknowledge of the attacks.

Wonder what Mossad or Shin-bet knows?

The Globe and Mail: Cheney's office linked to Rove affair

The Globe and Mail: Cheney's office linked to Rove affair: "Washington — U.S. Vice-President Richard Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis Libby, was a source along with U.S. President George W. Bush's chief political adviser for a Time story that identified a CIA officer, the magazine reporter said Sunday, further countering White House claims that neither aide was involved in the leak."

Antiwar.com Blog

Antiwar.com Blog: "The controversy continues over an Associated Press story detailing the remarks of a “senior Israeli official” who claimed that Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in London for an economic conference, was warned by Scotland Yard “minutes” in advance of the terrorist bombings. According to the original story, Netanyahu’s prior knowledge was the cause of his not showing up at the conference, which took place at a hotel near the Liverpool Underground station. A subsequent AP report contained the Israeli’s government’s denial of a prior warning, and claimed that Netanyahu received a warning after the blasts.

Although the first AP story was never retracted, that didn’t prevent Israel’s American amen corner from claiming that it had been withdrawn, nor did it stop Stratfor.com from coming out with an analysis claiming that Israel knew 'days' in advance, and that it wasn’t Scotland Yard that informed Netanyahu. Former intelligence analyst Tommy Preston, of Preston Global, concurred.


Fresh Ubuntu Linux Install!

Hopefully, no disk problems this time.


Public Domain Progress: Frank Zappa was right.

Public Domain Progress: Frank Zappa was right.: "During his 1986 appearance on CNN's Crossfire, Zappa made it clear that the hullabaloo surrounding the censorship of rock lyrics was an attempt to suppress free speech. In the tradition of the late Lenny Bruce and George Carlin, Zappa said that he didn't 'believe there are any words that need to be suppressed.'

After getting steadily bashed by his counterpart, the conservative Washington Times columnist John Lofton, he turned toward him and told him to 'kiss my ass.' The program, which hadn't started out with any references to smooching, devolved to that point after an exasperated and infuriated Lofton kept accusing Zappa of refusing to condemn rock lyrics that encouraged incest.

During those early days of 'Crossfire' -- and some might argue it has remained that way until only the past few years -- the left was barely distinguishable from the right. 'From the left' was Tom Braden, who ran the C.I.A.'s covert cultural division in the early 1950's and 30 years later could barely muster up a coherent progressive thought, and 'from the right' was a younger and surprisingly less irascible Robert Novak. (To view the entire interview, see ifilm.com.)

Later, when Lofton claimed that America's families were under attack and threatened by out-of-control musicians, Zappa stated clearly that the 'the biggest threat to America is not communism, it's moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that's happened during the Reagan Administration is steering us right down that path.' (For more on Zappa's life see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)"

Kompassionate Konservative Khristian

What an asshole.

Hey Bush supporters, its HURRICANE season AGAIN!

Click the photo to enlarge so that you can read the text.

Ask The War President

Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush ponders a question during a campaign stop at Cabletron Systems in Rochester, N.H., Friday, Jan 7, 2000. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Propagandist a.k.a. Lying Bastard.

After he said that shit, there was applause!
A PSA from the leader.



Take Back The Media!

Don't like the "Bush is a Nazi" comparison?

Too BAD!

Coverup of the Number of US Soldiers Killed in Iraq

GlobalResearch.ca - Coverup of the Number of US Soldiers Killed in Iraq: "Official US. government reports on soldiers under US command killed in Iraq are so fragmented that they account for less than half of the total number, according to information uncovered as part of an inquiry by the Government of Puerto Rico regarding the total number of Puerto Rican war casualties.

This analysis was confirmed by El Diario/La Prensa's review of multiple documents, including official reports issued by the US Department of Defense, the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior and more than 230 battlefront reports, which reveal that more than 4,076 troops under US command have been killed in 799 days of battle.

This information contrasts markedly with the limited information on casualties generally issued by US military authorities, which focus only on US uniformed troops. These total 1,649. "

Rep. McKinney to Hold All Day Briefing on 9/11 -- Exposing Sham of 9/11 Report :: 9/11 CitizensWatch

Rep. McKinney to Hold All Day Briefing on 9/11 -- Exposing Sham of 9/11 Report :: 9/11 CitizensWatch :: We are concerned citizens challenging the official story of 9/11: "On July 22, 2005, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) will host a full-day briefing, co-sponsored by Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), and other sponsors, for Members of Congress and their staffs in the Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building, Room 345, Independence Ave. & First Street SE, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. One year after the release of the 9/11 Commission Final Report many questions about what transpired on September 11, 2001 and who should be held accountable still remain unanswered. Serious flaws and omissions in the Report have been addressed by whistleblowers and academics. Well known researchers and authors have put the events of that day into historical perspective, and have suggested possible alternatives to the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission regarding intelligence reform, domestic and foreign policy. The hard evidence has yet to be properly evaluated, and points to the need for full transparency, release of information, and continued probative investigations to have an effective, democratic response to the crisis that confronts all of us."

Some believe London bombers were right-wing Britons

Some believe London bombers were right-wing Britons: "On July 12, The Times of London revealed that the explosives used in the London Transport bombings were military-grade explosives and investigators emphasized they believed the bombers were British and worked in small cells. Furthermore, although the British police are putting out information that suicide bombers were involved in the London bombings, Vince Cannistraro, the former CIA counter-terrorism chief, told The Guardian that 'two unexploded bombs' were recovered along with 'mechnical timing devices.' It goes without saying that suicide bombers would not have been using timing devices.

The belief that British right-wing terrorists may have carried out the London train bombings coincides with a major Italian investigation of ties between far-right Italian groups, Italian law enforcement personnel, U.S. Defense Department covert operations agents, and Jihadist terrorists."


Subdued Welcome For Bush At Indiana Black Expo

WAVE 3 TV Louisville, KY :: Subdued Welcome For Bush At Indiana Black Expo: "(INDIANAPOLIS) -- President Bush drew a subdued reaction Thursday from the crowd at an Indiana Black Expo luncheon, an event he decided to speak before rather than attend the NAACP convention.

Bush was greeted with a standing ovation and the crowd of about 3,000 people at the RCA Dome applauded several times during his speech, during which he touted his efforts to grow the economy and improve the opportunities available to all Americans."

"Bush received the Expo's Lifetime Achievement award for such things as supporting additional AIDS research, backing efforts to help offenders re-enter society after being released from prison, and creating more health centers in underserved areas, said Expo spokeswoman Alpha Garrett."

This is what I mean when I speak of domesticated Americans of African decent. This asshole Bush, must really be desperate to meet with any black folk with his opinion polls in the toilet, and black folk not signing up fast enough to become bullet stopper for Israel. As we all know, he will only appear before a hand picked crowd. Unfortunately you don’t have to pick to hard to get a gang of negroes together, just buy advertisement space on B.E.T. This is just fucking disgraceful. How does one give a "Lifetime Achievement Award" to a FUCKING WAR CRIMINAL? This goddamned demon is dripping with the blood of innocent children. His support of AIDS in Africa, has not been funded worth a damn its all rhetoric. Helping offenders re-enter society, if they ever get out of prison to begin with. Besides, this clown has set up a fucking gulag, and signed orders to have prisoners tortured. Those who don't go to prison are shot dead in the damn street; and eight year old girls are being tasered in school. Healthcare centers aint worth a damn, if the inequities in the quality of care are still not addressed. The article does not mention what type of healthcare facilities. Are they of the "faith based" type? You know, no abortions and just say no to sex and all that fairy tale bullshit?

Meanwhile, the armed services, which are disproportionately embedded with service people of color, are in a “war” this bastard cooked up out of the Office of Special Planning, and are continually dying for his buddies, carpetbaggers, and VP. to make a fast buck. Yet these negroes bend over backwards to crassly pander to a giggling murder? (In other words kiss his ass)

I guess the supply of Colons (read assholes), Condislezzas (read incompetent whore) and Supreme Uncle Thomases is vast indeed.

Do these ignorant niggas actually think this shit does not happen to black people? These ignoramuses do not see Arabs as their brothers, or lack a connect with the human experience in general. This is what I mean by the word “nigga”. Don’t get it twisted, Bush is a nigga as well, one of the highest order.

Can you believe this shit?

Video From CSPAN (RealPlayer)

Life Behind the Wall

"We no longer can see the sun set'

"The Wall, the construction of began in June 2002, has severely disrupted and profoundly encumbered daily life. It has undermined and wretchedly destroyed the social and economic fabric Palestinian civil society. To make room for its path, entire orchards and olive groves have been uprooted. Farmers have no access to what little remains of their arable land. Thousands of Palestinian homes-over 42,165 in the West Bank­have been demolished by the Israeli military. Tens of thousands of dunams (1 dunam = 1000 square meters) have been confiscated by the Israeli military in this systematic process. Check-points and road-blocks obstruct Palestinians' unfettered access to schools, health clinics, and work. Families have been physically separated; and, in one instance, a house was purportedly divided in half. In Qalqilya, the wall rises to such a height that, it is said, one can no longer see the sun set."

"In one recent case, a woman with a complicated pregnancy was denied an exit permit at Israeli checkpoint near Qalqilya. She was giving birth to twins on the spot, yet the Israeli soldiers refused to let her drive to the nearest hospital for surgery. Both babies died."

What is it with American governments love of supporting racist apartheid rogue regimes?

Why are there not more, if any, Americans of Africa decent willing to speak up on this issue? Surely, one will immediately be smeared with the absurd label of "anti-semite" for putting to light this so-called "security fence". However, as descendants of Africa, as all human beings are, we can be the first to shrug of the childish slur of "anti-semitism" for what it is, a baseless slur, which is itself rooted in racism.

Now that the peoples of color, the Africans, Native Americans (Northern, and Southern), have either been conquered or domesticated, there only remains the Arabs left to be assimilated. Seeing as how some Arabs would rather prefer death, as opposed to annihilation, death is what is being promoted as "democracy and freedom". For surely death is what rides on the back of the horse of western democracy, and one is only truly free, of the hell that is life for some, after death

Tell us your "source," Judy

Tell us your "source," Judy
: "The only thing more evil, small-minded and treasonous than the Bush Administration's jailing Judith Miller for a crime the Bush Administration committed, is Judith Miller covering up her Bush Administration 'source.'"


PSA: Positivity!

  1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully
  2. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
  3. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
  4. When you say, "I love you," mean it.
  5. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.
  6. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
  7. Believe in love at first sight.
  8. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
  9. Love deeply and passionately! You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
  10. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name-calling.
  11. Don't judge people by their relatives.
  12. Talk slowly but think quickly.
  13. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"
  14. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
  15. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.
  16. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
  17. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.
  18. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
  19. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
  20. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

The only thing I can object, personally to is #15. I just don't believe in a person losing a little piece of their soul everytime they sneeze.

Take what's good from this, and pass it on. Remember that movie "Pay it forward"?

I normally don't like "spam" but this caught my attention, because I have theorized about many of these points. This list is confirmation, that I'm a very thoughtful brother, if you don't mind me tooting my own horn;)

The Plame Affair: Rove and Cheney Are Guilty As Charged

The Plame Affair: Rove and Cheney Are Guilty As Charged: "Within the next days or weeks, it is anticipated that Independent Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald will ask a Federal grand jury to hand down indictments against one or more senior White House officials, for obstruction of justice, perjury, and, perhaps, violation of national security laws banning the public disclosure of the identities of American undercover agents. The two names that have surfaced most prominently in the two-year old probe are White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove and Vice Presidential Chief of Staff I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby. The scandal unavoidably tars Vice President Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush."

Bush has demonstrated, with increasing frequency in recent weeks, that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. LaRouche has pointed to the President's oft-repeated declarations that the U.S. Treasury bonds on deposit in the Social Security Trust Fund are "useless IOUs," as evidence that he is no longer qualified to discharge his duties as President. Such cavalier declarations of a sovereign default on the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, alone, constitute an act of political insanity and incompetence, that prove his incompetence to serve. As the United States and the world move into the most deadly systemic financial and economic crisis in modern times—as early as this Summer—the question must be asked: Can the nation survive a continuation of the Bush-Cheney Presidency?

Whitehouse Press Whores grow balls!
Watch as this little worm Simple Scotty squirms.


LAPD Chief Defends Officers in Shooting - Yahoo! News

LAPD Chief Defends Officers in Shooting - Yahoo! News

Hate to be the "Master of the Obvious" here, but if the "suspects" had been...oooh lets say WHITE, do you think there would have been 300 bullets fired at one man with a gun holding an infant?

Now that the bullshit has been cut.

To those of you living across the pond, does your police routinely taser, shoot, kill or otherwise maim your peoples of color, indigenous or otherwise?

Seems here, since Bush and his gang of fascists took control, the good ole boys have gotten the ok to become even more brutal in their excessive use of force.

Fucking Nazi bastards.


Website that carried al-Qaida claim has connections to Bush family

Website that carried al-Qaida claim has connections to Bush family: "The server in Houston has intriguing connections. Everyone's Internet was founded by brothers Robert and Roy Marsh in 1998 and by 2002 had an income of more than $30m (now about £17m).

Renowned for his charitable work, Roy Marsh counts among his friends President George Bush's former sister-in-law, Sharon Bush, and the president's navy secretary.

Everyone's Internet, which also hosts a number of pornographic sites, states: 'We support the uncensored flow of information and ideas over the internet and do not actively monitor subscriber activity under normal circumstances.'"

What are the odds?

Ben Tripp: The Inevitablity of George W. Bush

Ben Tripp: The Inevitablity of George W. Bush: "Say what you will about the accomplices secretly running the show: Bush himself is the president. He is no dupe. A slobbering cretin nearly incapable of forming a coherent thought, or of operating a bicycle on a hill without running over a policeman; a feckless, soulless meta-bureaucrat with the attention span of a hydroencephalitic flea preoccupied with revenge, machismo, booze, and proving to his father he's not a latent homosexual: these things he indubitably is. But he's not a puppet merely. It is his magical ability to wrest defeat from the jaws of victory that will end America's unsuitable world domination. Then we can get on with averting the next ice age. Far too late to save what's left of the world as we know it, but that's the cosmic joke our species seems never to get, no matter how often the punch line is repeated."


Police hunt 'mercenary' terror gang recruited by al-Qa'ida

Independent Online Edition > Crime : "Police and intelligence agents areinvestigating the theory that a gang of white 'mercenary terrorists' was hired by al-Qa'ida to carry out last week's devastating attacks on London."

HA HA! Gimme a fucking break!

False flag over London

False flag over London: "July 8, 2005—Yesterday we saw a classic false flag attack in London, organized by western secret services to distract attention from the deepening political troubles of Bush and Blair, and perhaps even to create the pretext for war on Iran. Of course, Bush and his poll ratings have been sinking under scandals and rumblings of impeachment. Blair too has been badly hurt by the Downing Street memo."

Telegraph | News | US judge set to lose home under law he brought in

Telegraph | News | US judge set to lose home under law he brought in: "In retaliation, they are determined to make him pay with the loss of his home in the countryside outside the town of Weare in New Hampshire, where the official state motto is 'Live Free or Die'. The hotel would be called The Lost Freedom, and its restaurant, The Just Desserts."


I hope they are successful!

Everything You Need to Know About Michael Ledeen

Everything You Need to Know About Michael Ledeen: "The belief in a single voice that governs the public should cause all Americans to understand these men want to convert this nation to a permanent dictatorship. Their inspirer was Leo Strauss, a professor who taught Machiavellian methods to many of them at the University of Chicago. In fact, Paul Wolfovitz earned his doctorate under Strauss and many of the neo-cons in the White House studied under him. Strauss believed every society needs a “single public orthodoxy.” As Drury put it, “a set of ideas that defines what is true and false, right and wrong, noble and base.” Strauss believed that the role of religion was indispensable to the political success of a nation. For a political society had to hold together and act as a unit in lock step with the leader. Strauss believed that religion was the means to inculcate the desired ideas into the minds of the masses. He didn’t care what religion—just as long as it was a religion that could link itself to the political order."

Sounds like Bin Laden right?

Same-time-as-attack underground bombing exercise in London a chilling coincidence?

Same-time-as-attack underground bombing exercise in London a chilling coincidence?: "Toronto-- Chillingly coincidental, the same 9/11 'war games' conducted during the actual tragedy on the morning of September 11, 2001, echo London underground 'bombing exercises' which took place at the same time as the real attack, according to Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com.

What are the odds of both human tragedies having coincidental 'drills' going on at the exact same time real life was taking so many human lives in two terrorist attacks?"

Remember the LIES?

London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack: "A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th."


Stephen Winspear: Collateral Damage in London

Stephen Winspear: Collateral Damage in London: "Londoners aren't outraged by Thursday's attacks, but we do now feel a greater solidarity with all those Iraqis whose lives have been destroyed by the Terrorist Politicians on our side.

We understand fully now what is meant by Collateral Damage."

Chuck D Interview

The Progressive Magazine: "I first heard Public Enemy in 1987 when a tape of the rap group’s Yo! Bum Rush the Show was making the rounds in my neighborhood. While the boldness of the music was like nothing I had heard before, it paled in comparison to the group’s next record, It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (1988). Incendiary and groundbreaking, it now stands as a political manifesto for youth—both black and white—to quote a lyric, “of the same mind, unblind.”"

Chuck D, and Public Enemy changed my life. I was twenty one years old before I had ever heard of Malcolm X. Public Enemy introduced me to Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. "Don't tell me that you understand, until you hear the man".("Don't Believe The Hype")

Q: What are some of the songs that remain vital from It Takes a Nation?

Chuck D: “Don’t Believe the Hype,” without question, still speaks volumes. To me it is Noam Chomsky-like in its theme and content. Like Chomsky does with his work, “Don’t Believe the Hype” addresses media disinformation and picks it apart.

I never believe the hype, and neither should you!



See No Evil: Spinning Netanyahu's London Terror Tip-off

Antiwar.com Blog: "The reason this 'conspiracy theory' lasted all day -- and will continue to haunt the Amen Corner for a long time to come-- is because it is based on a news story by a reputable news agency, and not obscure 'weblogs' with cute-sy names. Instead of citing self-interested Israeli government officials, and someone who once worked for the ultra-right-wing Netanyahu, it cites an Israeli government whistleblower who has nothing to gain from telling the truth, and everything to lose (including his job)."


Cui bono? Stupidity Versus Logic in the Latest “Terror” Attack

OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion: "Wow, al Qaeda must be the stupidest terrorists, no wait, stupidest people period, on this entire planet. Their purported goal is to shake the will of the western powers that have invaded Iraq, and to drive them out, no? Then can someone please explain to me the logic of the London bombings?"

Cannonfodder Anaysis.

Brit Hume says he wants to profit from the London terrorist attack

The Huffington Post | The Blog: "Meanwhile, Fox's Stuart Varney was genuinely excited that the attack will mean other progressive issues will now be knocked out of the public debate. 'It takes global warming off the front burner,' Varney frothed. 'It takes African aid off the front burner. It sticks terrorism and the fight on the war on terror, right up front all over again.'"

It also takes away from Karl Rove's treasonous outting of Valerie Plame, the CIA agent, wife of Joe Wilson. We have some disgusting people here in these divided states of ameriKKKa, and they're using public airwaves to spread this demonic hatred for life.

Arutz Sheva - Israel National News

Arutz Sheva - Israel National News: "(IsraelNN.com) Army Radio quoting unconfirmed reliable sources reported a short time ago that Scotland Yard had intelligence warnings of the attacks a short time before they occurred."

Scotland Yard warned in advance and failed to warn the common people. Now where have I heard that scenario before?


Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: London terror attack ... [Media Matters for America]

Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: London terror attack ... [Media Matters for America]: "Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: London terror attack near G8 summit 'works to ... Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together'"

Gilad Atzmon: London's Burning

Gilad Atzmon: London's Burning: "We know already that both in America and Israel the consequences of terror led the general public towards an endorsement of right wing zealously. I do hope that the British people will follow the Spanish public's reaction. Warmongers and militant aggressors must be ousted from our political climate. Only then peace will prevail."

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

Bush falls off bike again

Bush involved in bike crash in Scotland - Boston.com - Europe - News: "A year ago, Bush was cut and bruised when he sailed over the handlebars while riding a mountain bike at his Texas ranch.

In 2003, he tried out a Segway, the standup, motorized scooter at the family's seaside estate in Maine. It went down on his first attempt, but he stayed on his feet with a flying leap over the machine."

Jesus Christ, on his birthday this drunken, 59 year old monkey, assaults a Scottish policeman, by running him down in the street with a mountain bike, like a dog in the street.

How sad?


Paul Harvey's Tribute to Slavery, Nukes, Genocide

Paul Harvey's Tribute to Slavery, Nukes, Genocide: "In 2004, Disney forbid its Miramax subsidiary to distribute Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11, even though Miramax was the principal investor in the film. A Disney executive told the New York Times (5/5/04) that it was declining to distribute the film because, in the paper's words, 'Disney caters to families of all political stripes and believes Mr. Moore's film...could alienate many.'

One wonders whether Disney executives are worried about alienating families who oppose slavery, nuclear war and Native American genocide."

Devils like this who openly acknowledge their heritage of mass murder, rape , and cannabilism are not the ones I worry about. I can respect his openess and honesty. Its the devils who hide behind the plausibily of denial, and actively obfuscate the truth, are the ones I despise.

GlobalResearch.ca - The Most Cowardly War in History

GlobalResearch.ca - The Most Cowardly War in History: "The assault on Iraq is an assault on all of us: on our dignity, our intelligence, our humanity, and our future.

We recognize that the judgment of the World Tribunal on Iraq is not binding in international law. However, our ambitions far surpass that. The World Tribunal on Iraq places its faith in the consciences of millions of people across the world who do not wish to stand by and watch while the people of Iraq are being slaughtered, subjugated, and humiliated."

GlobalResearch.ca - Mossad Chief: U.S. to Be Mired in Middle East in Perpetuity

GlobalResearch.ca - Mossad Chief: U.S. to Be Mired in Middle East in Perpetuity: "U.S. entanglement in the Middle East in the name of “democracy” has further destabilized the region and made violent fundamentalist revolution more likely, especially in Saudi Arabia. “In [an early April] visit to the United States,” comments Halevy, “I was told by several well-informed observers that should one of the more severe scenarios come to pass, the United States will have no choice but to deepen its presence in the Middle East. To that end, it will have to renew the draft, to ensure that there are enough forces to deal with developing situations in countries like Saudi Arabia.”"

Emphasis on draft phrase mine.

Bush administration creates 'Secret State Police'

The decision was formally announced by FBI Director Mueller and Attorney General Gonzales at a press conference at the Attorney General's Office on the June 29, the same day as Bush's speech broadcast live from Fort Bragg, NC. The decision to create a secret police passed virtually unnoticed. The imitative was described as as a necessary step in "protecting the American public":

US War Crimes, An International Vow of Silence by Ghali Hassan

When international war crimes committed in people’s name, it is the duty of moral men and women to call attention to such acts regardless of who actually commits them. Unless peoples of the ‘world community’ hold the perpetrators accountable for war crimes – and the evidence is overwhelming – peoples will continue to betray their moral conscience and principles.

Democratic leader defends push to abolish presidential term limits; Rebukes fears of 'Bush for life'

The Democrats’ number two in the House, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) has defended a push to end presidential term limits, and told RAW STORY that concern in the blogosphere that his proposal could mean “Bush for life” is baseless.
Does anyone need more proof that we have a ONE party system?
Does anyone need more proof that these "representatives" are insane?


The Black Commentator - Freedom Rider: America’s Love of Empire - Issue 144

The Black Commentator - Freedom Rider: America’s Love of Empire - Issue 144: "Love of the empire is America’s true religion. The latest flag bill is called the “Flag Desecration Amendment.” It is an interesting choice of words. The flag is not a religious symbol, but it symbolizes an empire that many people love more than the God they claim to believe in. The system that Old Glory symbolizes looms larger than any church that Americans walk into on a Sunday morning.

The system that rewards white people more than any other group, the powerful more than the powerless, and the wealthy over the poor is seen as being inviolate and perfect. Love of the empire makes otherwise rational people vote against their economic and political interests. It makes otherwise peaceful people love violence and death."

Heaven's Gate

Heaven's Gate: "'One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief,' then-candidate Bush told Herskowitz. 'My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it. If I have a chance to invade ... I'm not going to waste it. I'm going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I'm going to have a successful presidency.'

Thus, by his own admission, Bush regards war -- slaughter, ruin, chaos and terror -- as the measure of success, the path to greatness. He sees blood as the prime lubricant for his rapacious domestic policies. He uses unprovoked military aggression to achieve his personal and political goals.

In what way, then, is he different from the moral cretins who were hanged at Nuremberg? "


The History of the Development of AIDS

"The 1971 flowchart makes it perfectly clear, the design, intent and purpose of the U.S. Special Virus program. As Dr. Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS says, the HIV/AIDS virus is the result of many steps in the laboratory, it was no accident.

The 1971 flowchart provides absolute evidence of the United States' intent to kill its own citizens and others."

Dr. Boyd E. Graves

September 28, 2002

The History of the Development of AIDS



Might as well throw in the Bush family connection to eugenics:

George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin

Chapter -III- Race Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances

    ``The [government] must put the most modern medical means in the service of this knowledge.... Those who are physically and mentally unhealthy and unworthy must not perpetuate their suffering in the body of their children.... The prevention of the faculty and opportunity to procreate on the part of the physically degenerate and mentally sick, over a period of only 600 years, would ... free humanity from an immeasurable misfortune.''

    ``The per capita income gap between the developed and the developing countries is increasing, in large part the result of higher birth rates in the poorer countries.... Famine in India, unwanted babies in the United States, poverty that seemed to form an unbreakable chain for millions of people--how should we tackle these problems?.... It is quite clear that one of the major challenges of the 1970s ... will be to curb the world's fertility.''

These two quotations are alike in their mock show of concern for human suffering, and in their cynical remedy for it: Big Brother must prevent the `` unworthy '' or `` unwanted '' people from living.

Let us now further inquire into the family background of our President, so as to help illustrate how the second quoted author, George Bush's1 came to share the outlook of the first, Adolf Hitler's.2

Say it aint so Stan Lee?!?

Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan and author of The Satanic Bible, displaying the "Horned Hand" (also called the "satanic salute" and) with his left hand, on the back cover of The Satanic Bible.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

(Redirected from Earth 616)

In the fictional Marvel Comics multiverse, Earth-616 or Earth 616 is the name used to identify the primary continuity in which most Marvel Comics titles take place.

Many fans believed that "616" was a reference to the Number of the Beast in the final chapter of the Christian Bible, the Book of Revelation (or the Apocalypse of John). While most early manuscripts give the Number of the Beast as "666", the earliest existing fragment of the Greek text of this book gives it as "616". Irenaeus argued against the "616" number in his neverending battle against early heresies. Moore, a student of mystic esoterica from a very early age, could well have known about this alternate rendering. Quite why the Marvel Universe should even be named after the Number of the Beast may be an indirect reference to set it apart from the DC Universe. For many years, the headquarters of DC Comics was located at 666 Fifth Avenue in New York City. Thus, the name could be a subtle joke that the DC Universe was Earth-666 while the Marvel Universe was Earth-616; both numbers, of course, are renderings of the Number of the Beast.

Enjoy your "independence", while it lasts.

For African Americans Independence Day did not extend to them. While white colonists were declaring their freedom from the crown, that liberation was not shared with millions of Africans who were captured, beaten, separated from their families and forced into slavery thousands of miles from home.


Chase Home Finance

The EEOC and ACLU Might Find This Interesting.

Company Memo Detailing Racial Profiling Of Their Clients!!


Venus A True Goddess

Once No. 1 in the world, then just second best in her family, Williams had won only one tournament in the last 13 months and tumbled in the rankings. At No. 14, she is Wimbledon's lowest-seeded women's champion.

"It has special meaning," Williams said. "I wasn't supposed to win."

You won before the match began sister.

Brings tears to my eyes.

Downing Street Memo:So What's New?

"By flagrantly flaunting international laws and international institutions, American presidents are eroding the international system for resolving disputes, maintaining peace and order, and civilizing human conduct during conflicts. As the Downing Street memo reveals, President Bush exploited the United Nations to suit his own purposes and undermined the credibility of the Security Council. His legal advisors have interpreted international law to excuse illegal behaviour. Their interpretation of defence in clause 51 in the UN Charter has no legal validity. The invention of new terms such as "preemptive strike" and "unlawful combatant" to redefine international law on the run has only served to undermine international law. Either the laws are amended through legitimate mechanisms or they remain in force. George W Bush and the other presidents are nothing more than vigilantes."


Democracy Now! | NYPD Arrest 181 Black Men in Queens After Cop Shot in the Leg

A New York police officer was shot in the leg with his own gun while trying to arrest a man allegedly smoking marijuana. During the following three days, police mounted a massive dragnet in the community, arresting a total of 181 black men in Queens.


Well, its official, the New World Order is here, alive and well. I need to get the fuck out of this country. The PATRIOT ACT is being used against homeless people; the government can seize your home for big business, there is no reliable healthcare for people of color. I can't even get a dentist to give me an honest estimation of my dental situation, even with insurance. Half of the American public still believes Saddam attacked this country. Redneck, Klansmen, and Nazis are now emboldened by this fascist regime. Police have lost their minds even more so, and are torturing eight year old black girls with tasers. A white hoe comes up missing for a half hour, and they send out the search squads. When it comes out that the bitch lied about being kidnapped by a Hispanic male, the tramp is offered a movie and book deal, instead of going straight to jail. Did you see a picture of the "Runaway Hoe"? See had that deer caught in the headlights look, definitely a crack head. Crack heads are the only ones that come up missing for days on end, and pop up out of no fucking where, with a wild ass story. You don't see their ass being offered no damn movie contracts for their story do you? A white mothafucka make up a story and another white mothafucka will swallow that shit whole. Which is exactly how this country got into Iraq. Once again torture is the status quo in this country. A few bad apples my ass, this country loves torture. Always has, and always will. So for those who say love it or leave it, you win. At the bottom of this page is a donation button. For those that believe in that love it or leave it, redneck Taoism, put your money where your mouth is, and help me cross the border. Where I can get to a civilized first world country, that still knows what civil rights, and rule of law still means. Redneck Taoism, they're using the PATRIOT ACT to keep people from coming into the country. I'm trying to leave the country because of the rednecks and their USA PATRIOT ACT.

Yin meets the Yang.

Also, if you happen to be reading this and are an African of American descent, who is an expatriate, please leave a commnet as to hows life in the civilized world?
