
Police Agency Alleges Taser Company Misled About Safety of Stuns

Police Agency Alleges Taser Company Misled About Safety of Stuns: "One day after a West Palm Beach, Fla., police officer using a Taser gun shot a man, who later died, a Boca Raton, Fla., law firm filed a national class action suit alleging that police departments have been misled about the device's safety."

More than likely that was/is the case. Companies lie about their products to make $$$, DUH!

Still does not explain why disproportionately non-whites are the ones being tased to DEATH. If the company tells you that one 50,000 volt shock is good enough for a cow, and only tase the suspect again after 10 seconds, and you being a racists pro-Bush brownshirt, hold the taser to peoples (numerous children under 15 years old) chest, neck, and stomaches, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN?


  1. Yeah well there is one sure way of not getting tased.... don't commit a crime. I guess people just don't think about that do they? But then again I'm the kind of person who isn't very sympathic towards retards, if they run from the cops then I say "shoot 'em!" Should we give people the idea that it's ok to run from cops? Yeah I know my ideas are flawed, but they're mine ;)

  2. Well, I was going to point out how flawed your comments and "reasoning" on this matter truely are, but you readily admit that.

    Seemingly nice people should be more thoughtful towards their fellow human beings.

    Here is another clue, since I'm in such a giving mood, not everyone who is tased have been charged with a crime. Unless you are of the mindset that if the police even speaks with you , you must be a perp?

    You have a child, and one day they will have a conversation with the police, should the cop err on the side of caution and tase him/her? How would you feel, if that child then died, without ever getting a day in court? Bah, why am I trying to reason with someone who clearly does not think about such matters?

  3. Rachel, Rachel, Rachel, where have you been? The word has been out for some time that police brutality is alive and well in the USA and innocent people die all the time at the hands of the police. Maybe we should identify the terrorists in our own country before we go halfway around the world trying to find some. Take a look at this site. It's from a 1998 Amnesty International investigation.The murders and brutality have only gotten worse in the intervening 7 years, because the weapons used by the police have gotten more high tech. Like Tasers. And it is a community problem, not a Black problem or a white problem.

    Hood, where is the comedy you keep promising? Make me laugh.
