
How We Survived the Flood

CounterPunch: "America's Best Political Newsletter": "I found some police officers. I told them that a lot of us women had been raped down there by guys, not from the neighborhood where we were, they were helping us to save people. But other men, and they came and they started raping women and they started killing, and I don't know who these people were. I'm not gonna tell you I know, because I don't."

Many people of color, including myself, could not believe that black men, would abuse a catastrophic event to rape their own sisters. But here we have a respectable, black female heroine, telling the story, and I believe her.

Here, she tells of the story of the "snipers" the lying, and thoroughly discredited U.S. "news" media claimed were firing on rescue helicopters and workers.

And I want people to realize that we did not stay in the city so we could steal and loot and commit crimes. A lot of those young men lost their minds because the helicopters would fly over us and they wouldn't stop. We would make SOS on the flashlights, we'd do everything, and it really did come to a point, where these young men were so frustrated that they did start shooting. They weren't trying to hit the helicopters, they figured maybe they weren't seeing. Maybe if they hear this gunfire they will stop then. But that didn't help us. Nothing like that helped us.

Amerikkka, land of the sleep, home of the slave.

And to the savages who raped helpless women and children, you deserve this country, you are right at home.

Lesson learned, barbarity knows no color line.

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