
Mike Whitney: Death of a Partisan Chief Justice

Mike Whitney: Death of a Partisan Chief Justice: "Let's not wring out the tears for William Rehnquist. The man was the worst chief justice to ever serve on the Supreme Court; a complete failure who disgraced his office and the people he was supposed to serve. Never in the 200 year history of the nation has the high court sustained more damage under the stewardship of one man.

Rehnquist's partisan handiwork rigged the 2000 election and set the country in a downward spiral to ruin. He cobbled together the coalition of rogue-jurists who stripped the Florida Supreme Court of their constitutionally-guaranteed right to decide the outcome of state elections and overturned the fundamental principle of democratic government; the right to have one's vote counted."

I like to take this time to send a few "Fuck yous" out to a few people.

FUCK YOU Chief Devil Rehnquist, may you rot in hell.
FUCK YOU Crusty Nazi Bitch, wife and mother racist matriarch of the Bush Crime Family Barbara Bush.
FUCK YOU Poppy Bush
FUCK YOU Chief Assclown in "charge" Dubya Bush, you murderous piece of shit.
FUCK YOU Uncle Colon Powell, the name is apt, you asskissing hankerchief head lying house nigga!
FUCK YOU Auntie Condislezzy Rice, you fucking disgrace to the human race. Keep wiping Bushes ass.
FUCK YOU BIG Dick Cheney, when is your shitty heart finally going to give out, so this world can be cleansed of another fucking Nazi?
FUCK YOU Micheal Brown
FUCK YOU Micheal (Of the the devil) Chertoff, torturer.
FUCK YOU Alberto Gonzalez, hispanic uncle tom, chief torturer.
FUCK YOU Crazy drunken old Donald Rumsfeld. War Criminal extraordinaire.
FUCK the Republicans!
AND FUCK the Democrats, for capitulating to the Nazis.
FUCK all of you nazi war criminal son of a bushes, may you get what you truely deserve.


This ongoing HOLOCOST perpetrated on the black people of these divided, racist, cowardly, ignorant, states of amerikkka! It is quite obvious now, that ALL people of color are on this administrations shit list, to be tortured, humiliated, and fucked over wholesale. Lower the flag half mast for a fucking racist, anti-constitutional "judge", but not for possible 10,000 AMERICANS!?! We are only Americans when needed to kill other poor people, but when it comes to counting our votes, or getting desperate medical care, we are dispensible. Black folk, WAKE THE FUCK UP! You are being called REFUGEES to your god damn faces in your OWN FUCKING COUNTRY! I have had enough, I'm leaving this fucking shit hole. This country deserves every fucking wild fire, earthquake , hurricane it receives.

Oh yeah, I forgot one person, the terrorist Pat Robertson, FUCK YOU, you god damed DEVIL!


  1. Shit man don't hold back tell us how you really feel

  2. I'm totally disguised Barry. Visit and post as often as you like.

  3. Or totally disgusted like I am?! ;)

  4. Or how 'bout "shocked and (disgusted)" instead of "shocked and awed"?!

  5. Well, I got my answer to my stupid question in my IM message I left for you about whether Katrina has made you more angry like it has me!!
